
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

All toys are not fun 11.27.18

            Today is one of those days that will be filled with distractions. Please understand, I do have a cup of real coffee on the desk with me at this time. In a few minutes I will take, “The Gabi”, to school. I should note that Gabi doesn’t talk much during this 5 minute drive, so her name does not refer to her talking a lot. 
            It is below freezing this morning, so I will need to see if I have a coat that I can wear. Being on a fixed income, it is difficult to have a very nice coat to keep a senior person’s body warm. 
            When I get home after taking Gabi to school, I will need to brush my teeth as I have a dental appointment. It is time for a cleaning. If they are going to clean my teeth, why do I try and clean them before going?
            What? Yes I will write about the new toy. Please stop interrupting me, I am trying to educate the reading public!
            I am back from taking Gabi to school and our discussion focused on male and female terminology. I noted that a male is a “Dude”, what is a female, a “Dudest”? Gabi explained that a female is a “Dudet”. Even we senior citizens can learn new things!
            Last evening, my spouse of almost 5 decades suggested that she would make some homemade chicken noodle soup. I responded with, that sounds good to me. She then enlightened me with the fact that she would probably use leftover turkey rather than chicken. Again that sounded good as the turkey is all white meet and we are using what we have, which saves money for the senior couple on a fixed income.
            Now I assume (ass/u/me) that all of you have taken a can of grocery store, “Chicken noodle soup”, and opened it, poured it into a container, then either placed it on the stove or in the micro wave to warm up. Bought soup is ok when you are in a hurry or you are too lazy to put in the extra effort required to make it home made.
            Let me tell you about the turkey noodle soup that my present wife made, it was outstanding! That word doesn’t do it justice. I had two big bowls at supper last evening, and I plan to have it for lunch today.
            As I was sitting here in front of the computer, TV was on and they noted that some scientists are now saying that all humans come from, “A single man and woman”. The reporters who were discussing this noted, that it seemed to have biblical connotations. You didn’t think I even knew the word connotations, did you? Well I do, and spell check corrected my spelling.
            Unlike you, who just simply take the statement at face value, I have given this some thought. I again assume that you are considering the thought, all humans started from two single humans. Possibly you are considering those two single humans as Adam and Eve. I am not here to say you are incorrect, those two humans may very well have been Adam and Eve. What I took from the scientist’s statement was that they were single. Can you believe, the first two humans from which all humanity spring, were single. That means they were not married. Maybe that is why so many people now days have kids and do not get married.
            I am back from the dentist. They take as much of a person’s money as does a vet. I think when they are in school, they teach them to take as much as they can from their customers.

            I have a photo to share with you. Our cat Charlie must have been hungry. We see him in the photo below eating from the Tres’ food bowl. The cats usually do not do this. Click to believe!

            The new toy that I received on Sunday was actually two new toys. One was a new Wi-Fi and the other was an extender (for that one person, I will explain extender. Extender has nothing to do with the human male body, get that out of your mind now! The extender is a Wi-Fi range extender.)
            On Sunday I tried to install the Wi-Fi and could not. I called my computer expert and he offered advice but we could not get it to work. Sadly, I re-installed the old Wi-Fi.
            On Monday I again attempted to install the Wi-Fi, with little success, at first. I finally got the Wi-Fi up and running, with no outside help, and started working on the extender.
            When I activated the extender the Wi-Fi stopped working. After some additional work, I was able to get the Wi-Fi working without the extender. Extender is not working yet but I have Wi-Fi.
            Also my printer no longer works so I now have something else to fix.
            Maybe I am not only a mechanical genius, I may also be an electronics genius.   

Two single humans started us, and they weren’t married!
Senior visionary; Don Ford


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