
Friday, March 2, 2018

Dumber than dog... 03.02.18

                As I was a motivating over the hill, I saw Maybelline in a Coupeville, or maybe I was driving the Ford’s Chevy taking Gabi to school, either way I observed an idiot!
                I do not know the name of the street, but it is used each weekday morning and afternoon by people taking kids to or from one of three schools. The estimated traffic per morning or afternoon is 2.7 million vehicles. The speed limit is either 20 mph or 30 mph depending on where you are on the street.
                This morning there was a male attempting to jog on this street. Please allow me to set the scene. Traffic is very heavy, there is a garbage truck on the side of the street picking up garbage. The male person who was trying to jog must have been at least 70 years old, he was heavy, he had his jogging shorts, a sweat shirt, a cap and sun glasses. His stride wasn’t a stride, it was more like a stumbling effort to move. He was swinging his arms showing much effort being put into the exercise program. He was moving at a speed that most people would walk, but trying to make it look like jogging.
                With all the traffic on the street, he jogged around the garbage truck as vehicles were also passing the truck. I assumed that this older person lived in one of the retirement homes along that street. I also assumed he was attempting to impress someone with his exercise program.
                I have no problem with a senior attempting to stay healthy, I do have a problem with his timing and or choice of roads to stagger on. Oh yes, there was a side walk on the other side of the street that he would have been much safer on.
                Enough about dumber, let’s get to a different subject.
                Near Gabi’s school there are traffic lights, at a three way intersection. These lights only work during the higher traffic hours prior to school or after school. There is a solar panel that may be the power source, but I am not sure of that.
                For the last two mornings the lights have been flashing. In other words you pull up, stop, let the other fellow go, then you go. With all that traffic one would think there would be a major traffic jam, but just the opposite happened. Both days I pulled up and then drove through quickly, not having to wait on the lights to change. I also noticed that traffic wasn’t backed up as much as it usually was when the lights were working.
                Maybe allowing people to use their own judgement rather than some city worker setting up the timing for the lights, would be best!
                Speaking of city workers, and after my rant about the dog catcher, I mean animal control person yesterday. I would also like to speak to another situation I observed yesterday. The night before we had heavy rain and lots of wind. There were a few small branches in our yard and I even seen a small branch in the street. There was a four door city truck that came down the street, and it ran over the small branch. I can only assume they saw the branch as it was easily seen. They stopped and two city employees got out of the truck. The driver was dressed in what I assume was City approved uniform. The passenger was also dressed in city uniform except he had a sock cap on. The passenger looked like a punk who had no idea of what work meant. One of them picked up the branch and tossed it in the back of the pickup. They then drove off.
                What a good use of city funds!
                What if a city were operated like a business, I mean a business that makes money and hires real employees. Where all employees must perform their work as expected, you know, meeting standards.

                There are a couple other postings that I have not sent emails on, still trying to not clog your mail box. 

Weekends are for you, enjoy!

Don Ford

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