
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Not as bad 03.21.18

               Not as bad as it was. The Homestead Doctor suggested that I get off my NASH and RAMBLER around a little bit, possibly I would feel better. For that one person who doesn’t know that the above was a play on words I say, “Sorry Dude”! I will not take the time to explain everything to everyone.
               I was forced outside to water the flowers that were reportedly in dire need of H2O. Mission accomplished and as I was putting the hose away I noticed that my back wasn’t hurting as much as it had been, in fact, it wasn’t hurting at all.
               I have been sitting around doing mostly nothing today except relaxing. I did not need to take or get a grand kid from school today, as their Dad was off work.
               Now for the question of the day. “How sharp of a turn could the Nash Rambler make”? It is suggested you look at the photo above before you answer. Submit your answer, one per reader, to my web site and there will be a drawing.

               The above photo is what I saw this morning as I prepared to take Gabi to school. I thought it was a neat photo opp. I then remembered I did not need to take her to school as her dad is off work.
               My grandson received a fishing rod for his birthday and wants to go fishing. I was looking through my container of information about all the items I have purchased over the years, because I needed to know what the number is for the water filter to our refrigerator. As I was looking through the info I found a booklet from the parks and wildlife. It has information about the cost of a fishing license. I read where anyone under 17 and anyone over 65, could get their license for free.
               Since the booklet was kind of old, (1986 / 87 that would be 31 to 32 years old) I decided to check the web site for today’s info. I found out the kids under 17 are still free, but anyone over 65 has to pay $12.00. If I purchase a license now, it will expire the last day of August. That is only 5 months for $12.00! Your State Government likes to take money from seniors!         
               I would also need to purchase a fishing rod, as all my old fishing equipment has disappeared over the years. No I did not throw them away, I am old and old people never throw anything away. They were likely put in a museum!

Don’t let them know you are old, they take all your money!

Don Ford

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