
Sunday, March 4, 2018

The end came with 03.04.18

                The end came with what could be described as, happy discarding. That seems like an odd description, but in this case it is accurate.
                Our oldest grandson, and should I say, “Only grandson”, has turned 8 years old today, March 4th, 2018. His birthday was celebrated on March 3rd, with a party and gifts. Even though there was a party, there was no birthday cake, but there was a very large chocolate chip cookie, in its place. The large cookie has become somewhat of a ritual at the ford homestead. There were also cupcakes for the non-cookie eaters.
                Alex has been told by his parents, “When you turn 8 years old you will no longer need to use a booster seat”. I have photos showing the happy discarding!
                When we arrived home from school on Friday, after his last ride on the booster seat, he took the seat from the vehicle and well, the photos tell the story of happily discarding!

                                                                                                Alex even had help from his sister Gabi!
 Alex, being a good conservative, wanted to properly dispose of the plastic seat in the recycle bin.

                Happily discarding!
One more thing, they have let school out for a week in honor of Alex’s birthday, aka spring break!
May your weekend be as good as Alex’s is!

Don Ford 

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