Did I hear you say you will not take the MARK, regardless of what they do! I hate to tell you this but, you will take the MARK, and in a short period of time. Most people will not believe it is a bad thing, even some religious people will take it within a couple weeks of the final version of the MARK.
Consider if you will, the bread winner of the family (person who makes the most money, I mean credits) will take the mark when he or she understands their family will be without food, water, electric, gas for the car, and so on, if they don’t take the MARK. To take care of the family they will take the MARK. Remember, without the MARK you cannot participate in anything that requires payments like health care, and without the mark kids can’t go to school. You will take the MARK!
Are there good reasons for the Mark!
They will announce that they are going to do away with the IRS. The change will be treated as a major cost savings for everyone, and there will no longer be those Government IRS people harassing those who can’t pay! Remember, your Government will get their part of anything you earn, before you get your part.
Sounds great, no more IRS and all those government workers gone. Well, they aren’t gone, they just get moved to other areas of Your Government.
Do you know what the initials B E A S T stand for? “Building Earnings And Savings Together”! It is the slogan that will be used to help convince citizens to accept the credit concept.
Accepting the MARK makes things so much easier for you. One no longer will have to carry that awful money, credit card, driver license, or any other form of ID. All your information is in the computer and only accessible by using your chips. It is said that this computer system is encoded in such a way that no one can break into the codes. Why is this code so safe? It consists of 6, 6, 6! What does that mean, there is six sets of six digits, then six more sets of six digits, and again six more sets of six digits, and they change after each use. If someone tries to use the same code a second time the authorities will be notified.
(123456 098765 234560 098765 234567 765432 – ASDFGH JKLOIU YTREWQ XCVBNM PLKNCZ QLOSUR – !*&^%$ OKJHGT 098765 !%#&%* QAZXSW ?”+*&@)
You will be told many times, “The fact that you no longer have any privacy, is such a little thing to give up, for this security”! Now that you see how good having the chips implanted will be for you, and everyone around you, all will gladly accept it and you will be safe and secure.
Think of this, if you do not take the MARK, you cannot have a cell phone! Take a minute to think about that! How many of the religious people, could or would, do without a cell phone?
Did I explain about your computer? If you have a computer you can use it all you want, that is the good news. If you stand up for your rights and you do not take the MARK, you cannot access the web. What good is a computer if you can’t surf the web?
So allow me to summarize, you can take the MARK, and give up all privacy, and be a servant to Your Governments credit system which will be known as the BEAST, or you cannot take the mark and you along with your family will be treated like trash and die!
Are you sure that you will not accept the MARK.
Don Ford March 16th, 2018
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