
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Mark of the Beast 6 6 6 03.06.18


                I have either read or heard that some countries are working toward doing away with money, and going to a more or less credit card system. Denmark is one of these countries, you can google it. I have written about this in the past.

                One of the reasons they will be giving for us to get rid of money, and go totally to the credit ID system is safety. Consider if you will, if there were no money, robbers who want money would be out of business. Bank robberies would no longer exist. The punk with a gun, would no longer be able to go into the corner quick shop and hold them up, wanting money. Yes he could rob them for tobacco products, but those will be band soon too. 

                If you have shopped recently, you must know almost no one uses money anymore! Since, “we the people”, have voluntarily been making cashless purchases for years now, it is going to be easy for Your Government to do away with money. Do you know people go to a hamburger joint (drive through or inside) and pay with a card! How many people have set their kids up with a credit or debit card, I will tell you, a lot!

                Your Government will push the safety issue so much that most people, especially the younger generation, will think it is a good idea. Actually, it would be a good idea if,Your Government,” wasn’t going to track you!

                Simply stated, you will need a form of ID to work and receive pay, to purchase, or sell anything!

                Originally the ID will be a card issued with your information and photo on the card and the card will have a chip (sound familiar, most cards now days have a chip). This card with a chip will reference all the rest of your information, including how much you have in any / all accounts, your pay, everything you have purchased or sold, your income taxes, the value of your home, your vehicles, your medical records, military records, school records and everything else that has ever been recorded in a computer about you.

                Each person will have a number issued and this number will be eighteen digits long. In other words, six digits then a space, six digits another space, and six more digits, “6 6 6”!

                The card with a chip will soon be replaced by having chips implanted in both your hand and your forehead. Both chips will need to be read in order for you to buy or sell (the test program for this implantation has been going on for years in dogs and cats).

                Your Government will promote the chip implantation into both portions of your body as another safety feature saying, “No one can steel your information, as they would need both your hand and forehead.” 

                When this program begins, all new born will be required to have the chips implanted the day of their birth. This will also be promoted as a safety feature. A child who is kidnaped or just lost, will be easily tracked by the satellites system.

                The tracking ability Your Government will have, once the chips are implanted, will be unceasing. They will be able to know where you are every moment of your life, the satellites will track and down load your every action into the computer system. That computer system will be known as, “The Beast”, because it is so big! This is the same computer system that will record all your financial information.

                The Mark of the Beast will be accepted by most people voluntarily. There will be groups who will be known as, “Christians”, who will not accept the Mark. Those Christians who live in cities will either convert to the Government system or, they will die as they will not be able to acquire food water etc. Those who live in mostly rule areas where they can provide for themselves may be somewhat more fortunate. Your Government will do all they can, to isolate these groups and will not provide them with any service. No water, electric, medical, and no police (all of which will be totally government controlled)!

                Consider a group of those who have accepted the Mark of the Beast, They decide to go to one of the Christian communes and cause trouble. They rob and kill, even rape some of the Christians, and Your Government will do nothing, because these Christians, have not accepted, “The Mark of the Beast”!

                There will be those families and small groups where one person accepts The Mark of the Beast (usually the person with the best job) and the others do not. That will work for a while. This person will be able to purchase items for the family, make house payments, pay for utilities, and all the other needs, that is, until Your Government finds out. As soon as Your Government learns that you are providing for, Non-Beasters, they will revoke your chips.

                As time progresses, scanners will be installed at doors to any business. To access any business one will need to be scanned. Those who do not have the chips implanted, will not be able to go inside, but why would they want to go inside, they can’t buy or sell!


So I like to write about things, big deal!


                Don Ford March, 6th 2018                  

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