
Friday, March 23, 2018

Flower bed expansion 03.23.18

               This story begins yesterday when I went to town and purchased 20 each blocks so I could expand a flower bed and create another. Seven of the blocks went to the expansion and 13 blocks went to the new flower bed. Now that I know there are 13 blocks in the new bed possibly I need to take one away or purchase another just to make the numbers even. See photo below, click to exaggerate!

               The close end, as seen in the photo, is the expansion. Someone still needs to remove the grass but we will save that for a cloudy day. The far end, as seen in the above print has the 13 blocks, which is the new bed and it also has grass that needs to be removed. Tomorrow I will attempt to spread the fertilizer on the yard and then water it in. We are still in a drought area, and everything needs water.
               Since no one asked, yes the kid’s fort is still here along with a swing, as seen in the photo below.

               It seems as if each day there is something else to do in the yard. It would be nice if we weren’t on a fixed income, then we could hire people to do these things. Now that I think of it, if we hired someone, I would still need to oversee everything they did in the yard. If I have to be there I might as well do it myself.
Do it yourself and it could be done right!
Don Ford

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