
Sunday, March 18, 2018

Gardenistic 03.18.18

               If you are having trouble reading the title to this pleasing article, allow me, the author, to provide a definition of the word I have created. Let’s start with how to pronounce the word, Garden-is-tic. The definition of the word is, “A small garden like area”.
               Due to the fact that the Ford Homestead Garden Manager is never here, I decided that we would not have a traditional garden this year, instead we would have a, “Gardenistic area”. After some discussion with the CEO of the Homestead, a location was picked and the decision to have only a few tomato plants.
               We cleaned the raised flower bed of the old growth and roots and a couple flowers that Alex had planted last year.  The flowers he had planted were just popping through the soil, so we did replace them in hopes they will survive.
               We planted the tomatoes, one of which is a cherry tomato. We are hoping to keep Tres from digging them up. I watered the Gardenistic area, and a few hours later we received almost ¾ inch of rain.
Photo of the Gardenistic area to follow, click to increase in size.
               The back yard needs mowing and when it dries enough I will endeavor to mow it, but first I will need to pick up all of the Tres’ junk, and there is a lot of it. As I surveyed the area I observed something very pretty, it was, “The Yellow Rose of The Ford Homestead”! As you expect, photo to follow.

May you use Gardenistic areas to make America Beautiful again!          

Don Ford                             

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