Friday, March 30, 2018
Again this year 03.31.18
Almost forced 03.30.18
Thursday, March 29, 2018
It's the truth 03.29.18
When the lights go out 03.29.18
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
In the beginning 03.28.18
He said what 03.28.18
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
One of a species 03.27.18
Procedural text 03.27.18
Monday, March 26, 2018
Who said what 03.26.18
One of the things I remember my dad telling me was, “Never start a fight, never run from a fight!” My dad was a red haired Irishmen so that statement kind of makes sense.
I remember talking with a fellow named Henry, who at that time was the age of my dad, Henry was the owner of a construction company that did electrical work. His company bought a lot of their electrical supplies from GESCO (General Electric Supply Company) and that is where I worked at that time.
One day Henry asked me who my dad was, and I told him my dad’s name was George. Henry said he knew my dad when they were kids. Henry said that my dad, when he was young, would rather fight than eat. Evidently Henry found out the hard way that dad liked to fight.
Another good thing about Henry and his company, they were contracted to do the electrical work on The HWI building (Hardware Wholesalers Inc.) that was being built in Cape Girardeau. I would ask questions all the time about the progress of their work, and our company sales person Bill always had info about the progress of the construction. I had it in mind to apply when the building was getting close to completion.
When HWI began taking applications, the fact that I worked at GESCO for a couple years gave me a leg up on other applicants. I was experienced at loading and unloading trucks, checking product in and stocking the items. The inventory was kept on a card file, I entered all the receipts and deducted all the sales. I was experienced in inventorying, there wasn’t much warehouse work that I had not done.
The day came that I applied at HWI, I was given a math test. The test wasn’t very difficult but I could not remember how to divide. I might have been nervous. I skipped the division problem, answered all the rest and then when I went back to the divide problem, I remembered how to divide.
I was interviewed by a person whom I later learned would be the General Manager at the Cape center. I was then asked to talk with another person who was at that time a Director of Finance. I could be wrong on the title but he was basically a Vice President.
He went over the application and asked a few general questions. He then asked how much my rent was each month. I explained that I was buying and not renting. That seemed to impress him. He then asked if I had a car and if so how much did I owe on it. I explained that I had a car and it was paid for. That also seemed to impress him. He actually quizzed me about my finances, wife and child, more than any other subjects.
I left the interview believing that they would hire me, even though they did not say that.
Returning to my job at GESCO, my boss Paul asked, how did the interview go? I was a little surprised that he knew, but since I had missed work that morning and there was an ad in the paper stating they would be taking applications, I guess he had put two and two together. I said they will hire me! Paul laughed and said, “I bet they do”!
They Did!
HWI made the right decisions building in Cape, and hiring me!
Don Ford
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Political Statement 03.25.18
This article was written Jan. 30th, 2018 but for some reason was not published. I just happened to be going through old files attempting to clean them out when I found it. Here it is, like it or not!
There was something on TV and it was some sort of awards program. I believe it was awards for singing.
First, allow me to say, I care less who gets what award.
Second, the info I have about the so-called awards program comes from the so-called news reports.
Third, the so-called awards program seemed to be more political than awards.
Fourth, as I tried my best to not watch or hear the so-called news there was a debate between a liberal and a conservative. The liberal stated that most Americans believed a certain way about the president, and that is evident by what we see and hear in the news and various poles. The conservative’s view was opposite!
I think, the liberals get their viewpoints presented most often, due to the liberal news. Now you might say, if the people wanted more conservative news it would be that way. Supply and demand! If less people wanted the supply (so-called news) the supply would change. That is true in economics but not true in this setting.
This socialism and communism starts off with a lot of publicity as to how everyone will be equal, and the rich will be brought down. The socialist are good at publicizing their view points and lying about the future (aka fake news). The first place they get a foot hold is in the news media. They pound their philosophy out to the public relentlessly, and even though people don’t buy into their presentations, these same people do not work against that political point of view. Most people are more concerned with their daily lives and not politics. Inaction on their part allows the socialist to take over without too much of a fight! Socialism and communism once in place, provide the leaders and their cronies the life of luxury, while the common person has nothing.
Do you see what’s happening? Liberalism is just a precursor to socialism!
For years conservatives have been less aggressive in the political world!
Whatever your belief, get involved and then, either way you can say, “You tried”!
The following was added today 03/25/18.
If you have children in school at any level, you should pay attention to what they are being taught. The liberalistic opinions are often a key feature in the class room setting. If you don’t get involved in the indoctrination (some refer to it as learning), what your offspring are being taught, your offspring will not know your point of view. Whether you agree with my point of view or not, you should get involved in your offspring’s education, aka brainwashing, either way you can say, “You tried”!
Education and Politics lean toward socialism!
Don Ford
Friday, March 23, 2018
They are here 03.23.18
Flower bed expansion 03.23.18
Thursday, March 22, 2018
Old times and odd 03.22.18
They got him 03.22.18
The news yesterday morning is all about getting the bomber. Reportedly he blew himself up when the police were approaching his vehicle on I35 at Round Rock TX. (Sometimes I start these articles one day and finish them another) They stated that the bomber was from Pflugerville, TX. It just happens that my son and his wife live in Pflugerville, no it wasn’t my son! Why do you even think that way? Patrick said that the area they had blocked off around the Bombers home, was a couple blocks from his home.
I am glad they got him and hope there is no more bombs, and we hope he was doing this alone.
Every time something like this happens they seem to have a large number of people respond. Now I want them to have all the necessary personnel available to solve the crime, but when you watch these scenes on TV, there are people standing around doing nothing. Everyone responds to the scene, and then no one tells those extra personnel to go back to their normal work areas.
That is my comment, you don’t need to agree with me, I am allowed to have an opinion!
On a different subject, “Me”. I have a heating pad on my back and it does seem to help relax my back and relieve the pain. With the heat applied, I stand upright.
I have ordered some fertilizer for the lawn and some fire ant killer. I hope to get the fertilizer spread this Friday or Saturday and possibly there will be some rain shortly thereafter. If it don’t rain I will need to stay up late at night to water the lawn. What? Why would I need to stay up late to water the lawn, I will enlighten.
Would you believe, I use the neighbor’s water, which means I must wait until they are sleeping then I hook up my hose to their faucet and water my yard? I very much appreciate the neighbors that leave their hose rolled up at their outside faucet.
Before you ask, as a senior citizen I am on a fixed income and it saves me a lot of money when I use the neighbor’s water. I am sure they don’t mind helping a senior who is on a fixed income. I am sorry that the one neighbor’s hose was damaged due to vehicles driving over the hose as it was stretched across the street. If I wasn’t on a fixed income, I would buy them a new hose.
Be nice to your neighbors, they may be needy, or they may be able to help you!
Don Ford
If you want to continue to receive these postings please send me a note by the end of April, saying to keep you on the mailing list. I understand that not everyone on my mailing list, reads the postings. Yes I can see how many reads there are for any and all postings. I plan to send this reminder several times between now and the last full week in April. Thanks
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Not as bad 03.21.18
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Thanks for asking 03.20.18
My back hurts, thanks for not asking!
Yesterday, I moved the heavy flower pots out of the hot house and all around the yard. I moved most of our flowers out of the back yard to the front yard and we're hoping it don't freeze. Today at about 11:15am spring will be a real thing, but that does not mean all the cold weather is over.
I also dug up and replanted some blackberries that were voluntarily growing outside the blackberry patch, so now if these blackberries grow, we will have two Blackberry patches.
Yes my back's killing me, thank you for asking (you didn’t ask)! I knew my back was feeling tired and a little stiff during all the work, but I didn’t know I had actually hurt my senior back. It don’t hurt all the time, but if I move the wrong way, ouch!
Alex’s electric scooter stopped working a couple weeks back, so I called the people for warranty. The lady listened to what I had to say and she said she would send me a new set of batteries. The scooter has two 12 volt batteries permanently wired in a manner to provide 24 volts to the scooter. The new batteries arrived yesterday and I removed the old batteries where I found a broken wire from the battery. After installing the new batteries, Alex enjoyed riding up and down the street.
My back is killing me thanks for asking! L
Oddly enough, I can bend over and pick things up without pain but if I turn, aka twist my back, it hurts. I guess I should have stretched before I started working.
Be nice to someone today, it may be your turn tomorrow!
Don Ford