Mark 9:23 All things are possible, to him who believes!
The statement came from the American standard bible. Most people, even those who go to church on a regular basis, do not believe that statement. I have a tendency to consider things probably in different ways from most folks. In this article I present some thoughts that milled around in my mine.
Could it be part of our DNA, that if we truly believe, we could move a mountain?
In the bible we see where God said, “Let us make man in our own image. According to our likeness…”. Man being made in God’s image could also mean, man has built in to his DNA, the ability through belief or faith, to make all things possible.
Consider, how much Belief, also known as Faith, does it take to move a mountain! If one could conjure up enough faith to move a mountain, one could make anything happen!
As we consider the statement, most of us are thinking, no one can have that much faith. We just provided the negative attitude, belief, faith, to keep the mountain from moving.
If we could reverse that, “Cannot do thought, belief, faith,” to be equally as positive as we are negative, all things would be possible!
It seems as if we have total faith that all things are not possible! How do we reverse that faith to, “All things are possible, to him who believes”?
How do we do that?
Don Ford
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