As the reading public should know, I do pick the grand kids up from school in the afternoon. I would like to say, “Yesterday was interesting!”
As usual I had gone to Alex’s school and waited in line for the school to get out. He came out in his usual cheerful spirit, and as usual his first question was, “Did dad call” to which I replied, “No”. That no response means, Alex and I would go and get in line waiting on Gabi to get out of school. This wait in line is about one hour.
Shortly after getting in line Alex began to tell me about a game he played at home on the computer. He started explaining and then stopped. He looked at me and said, don’t tell me your stories, I want to tell you mine.
Now I took that to mean, when he tells me something he has done, I have a tendency to tell him something I have done. Talking about computer games, I don’t have much of a response since I don’t play them, but if he talks about the boy scouts, then I do have stories I can tell.
I listened and asked questions, not interrupting his explanation of the game. We both enjoyed his presentation.
Topic change; I may be allowed to build some shelves in the Ford’s ole garage. These would not be the type you hang on the wall; we have those already, these would be heavy duty, able to hold all the junk, I mean great items we have. Yep they will likely be built from scrap lumber.
But, before I can have fun with the scrap lumber project, I need to remove some dead stuff from the back yard. These limbs will go on the trailer and the items already on the trailer will need to be positioned properly for easy unloading.
My sprinklers ran this morning and the grass is growing. I guess I will need to mow both front and back yards again this week.
The work never ends for a senior retired person.
Stay young, getting ole is…!
Senior workaholic and enjoyer of happy hour, Don the Ford
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