This soon to be well composed, journalistic endeavor, will start out about me, and later about, “The ole west”. Trust me on this, you will put some thought into, the factual information provided by this article!
Where to start? Ok, I have it, we will start out in the privy (look it up if you don’t recognize the word), you may refer to it as the throne room, and that is ok too. As I sat on the throne contemplating many of the world’s issues, a thought came to mind. NO, it is not what you are thinking! Will you please allow me to present my thoughts, without interruptions!
Ok, lets see, in the privy, on the throne, world issues, and a thought came to mind. I began to consider in the olden days, I mean the olden days before I was around, and yes those were the real olden days, people were traveling across north America in covered wagons. Now each wagon may have had a crew consisting of a husband, wife, and probably kids. They would have all their possessions in or, attached to the wagon. if they had an extra horse or maybe a cow, they would have been led, using a rope attached to the wagon.
Some of the people would ride on the wagon. The person driving, and maybe one other person could sit beside the driver on the wooden seat, while some may be required to walk, due to no room in the wagon. Where to sleep could be a challenge, depending on the items inside the wagon. Often, some would sleep on the ground under the wagon, but when it was raining everyone would need to get inside.
Each morning, everyone would be up before day light, and as soon as it was light enough to see, they would begin their trek. Forty, maybe fifty wagons, moving west 10 to 12 hours each day. Now we get to the focus of this article; what happens on the wagon train when someone needs to potty?
You watched all those cowboy TV shows, and you never once thought about that!
Let’s say someone needs to urinate, for that one reader, urinate is number 1, or if they needed to defecate, that is number 2. If there are some trees and or bushes, they could get behind a bush or tree, do their business, and then they could catch up with their wagon.
What did they do when the wagon train was out on the planes, no trees no bushes?
Now I have you thinking. It is good for you to think for a change. Please do not send me a note saying they may have had a thunder mug in the wagon, and used it.
What? If you don’t know what a thunder mug is, look it up.
(Yes, it could be considered, a portable potty.)
R U glad U R not on a wagon train!
Senior thinker of odd but interesting thoughts, Don the Ford
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