
Monday, November 9, 2020

R U Thankful 11/09/2020

            Please allow me to explain the title line to that one person, and you know who you are, R U Thankful reads, “Are You Thankful”!

            Now we came up with this question as we were walking this morning. Tres looked at me and his expression told me what he was thinking. I could see he was wondering if I was thankful or not. That caused me to consider, “what should a person be thankful for?”

            As I was considering what I was thankful for, Tres stopped and looked at a vehicle. I immediately knew what, “We the people”, should be thankful for! Everyone should be thankful for today’s vehicles! If you are a senior person you will understand my thankfulness. Wow, that is a long word.

            Anyway, let me enlighten the non-seniors in the group. Most vehicles use to have standard transmission, that means you will be shifting the gears yourself. For those who have driven a standard, they will likely have stopped on a hill at one time or another. Stopping on a hill is not a problem until, the vehicle behind you stops close to the back of your vehicle. Now you will have a foot on the clutch and a foot on the break, then you will need to be able to take your foot off the break and place it on the gas peddle, while letting the clutch out and not allowing your vehicle to go backward into the vehicle behind you. Be thankful for automatics.

            Have you driven a vehicle that did not have air-conditioning, I have and it isn’t fun? The ole vehicles had those window vents in the car door windows, they helped pull some air in when you were moving.  Be thankful for Air-conditioning!

            What about power steering, have you driven with out power steering, you need some strong arms especially when the vehicle is moving slow. Be thankful for Power steering!

            Have you ever had to roll your windows up or down, you know, using your hand? Be thankful for Power windows!

            Can you remember a time when the vehicle, if it had a radio, only had AM. Be thankful for FM and satellite radio!

            Have you ever driven on the highway a long distance without cruse control? Be thankful for cruise control!

            Ok, now that I have provided each of you, the reading public, several reasons to be thankful, I do not want to hear any complaining! Yes, I know there is one thing that each of us could complain about, and that is, todays gas stations, they are not the olden day service stations!

            For the senior persons in this reading group, you should remember, “the service station”. One would pull their vehicle into the service station and stop at the gas pump and not get out of the vehicle.

            A service station attendant would come out and ask how can I help. You might say fill her up with regular, or maybe say give me three dollars’ worth of Ethel. The attendant would put the gas in for you, he would also clean your windshield, and would ask, “Should I check under the hood?”

            You are right, we are not thankful for today’s gas stations, but that should not keep us from being thankful for all the other nice things that have improved our use of the modern-day vehicles! 

            Be thankful for all the nice things in your life, there are many more


Try to Be thankful, you can!

Senior person trying to be positive and thankful, Don the Ford

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