Sunday, November 29, 2020
Who was there 11/29/20
Today is Sunday, and it is very unusual, but I have nothing to present to the reading public. As I sat here, my mind completely in neutral, something occurred to me. The word, “Here”, came to mind. What does the word here mean? Here can mean, at this time, at this point, at this juncture, possibly it means, “The location I am in”!
I find it interesting that a word could mean, where I am, but if you add the letter “T” to the front of the word, you have the word There. One would think there, meant some place other than here, but it seems as if here, is a synonym of there. So, can here and there mean the same? I didn’t even consider the word where.
Since I have nothing to write about, allow me to insert a photo.
When reviewing the photo, can you see who is looking out the Ford’s front door? Assuming you cannot, please enlarge the photo to see who is there, I will offer an explanation, it is Tres.
I don’t have a photo of the nativity at night yet, it was raining last night and I did not want to melt.
Wear the mask, wash the hands, and live!
Senior person with a mask and wet hands, Don the Ford
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Lighting it up 11/27/20
Yesterday was Thanksgiving, and we are thankful that our family could be together. There was too much food, and that is a good thing. We don’t see each other very often, and when we do, we all have a good time being together.
My favorite spouse of over 50 years, decided to have the Christmas decoration lights, to come on last evening. I was instructed to set one of the timers, which I did, unfortunately I set the time to 5:30am and at 5:30 pm some of the lights did not come on. I was allowed to reset the timer to PM and the lights operated properly.
There is one problem, one of the deer did not light up. That was not my fault, it was not plugged in. I will attempt to get it plugged in today, if the rain lets up long enough.
The neighbor’s dogs are out, and that means Tres and I can’t go for a walk until they are reinserted into their back yard. The one dog has been aggressive toward me in the past, and Tres and him do not get along.
I need to get back to work on this scrap wood project. Tres has interfered a few times, and Molly has also investigated the project. Hopefully, I will get it finished are almost finished today.
Possibly Tres thought it was to be a dog house, it is not!
As I sat outside Thursday evening, waiting for the Christmas lights to come on, I noticed the moon had already came on. It was not yet dark but the sun was down. Amazing photo follows.
Black Friday seems to have problems!
Senior scrap wood artists and almost nice guy, Don the Ford
Let's get to it 11/28/20
First, a follow up from a recent post where the Tres was sleeping on my scrap wood project. The scrap wood project is done, would you believe we now have a shelter for the Tres. He would never go into the dog house we bought, so would you believe we built him a shelter.
Scrap wood can be used for projects, wow I am a recycler!
Molly also likes the shelter, photo to follow.
For that one person who is observant, the shelter was not for Tres, I did ask, “Would you believe”, and as we all know, that phrase means, there may be an exaggeration, or a lie, coming!
We will try to get a photo of the nativity scene after dark this evening, for now we have a day light version, photo hopefully will follow.
Well it is lunch time for me, so I need to stop writing, and go eat.
Get ready, Christmas is coming!
Senior retired person who works with scrap wood, Don the Ford
Friday, November 27, 2020
Westward Ho 11/27/20
This soon to be well composed, journalistic endeavor, will start out about me, and later about, “The ole west”. Trust me on this, you will put some thought into, the factual information provided by this article!
Where to start? Ok, I have it, we will start out in the privy (look it up if you don’t recognize the word), you may refer to it as the throne room, and that is ok too. As I sat on the throne contemplating many of the world’s issues, a thought came to mind. NO, it is not what you are thinking! Will you please allow me to present my thoughts, without interruptions!
Ok, lets see, in the privy, on the throne, world issues, and a thought came to mind. I began to consider in the olden days, I mean the olden days before I was around, and yes those were the real olden days, people were traveling across north America in covered wagons. Now each wagon may have had a crew consisting of a husband, wife, and probably kids. They would have all their possessions in or, attached to the wagon. if they had an extra horse or maybe a cow, they would have been led, using a rope attached to the wagon.
Some of the people would ride on the wagon. The person driving, and maybe one other person could sit beside the driver on the wooden seat, while some may be required to walk, due to no room in the wagon. Where to sleep could be a challenge, depending on the items inside the wagon. Often, some would sleep on the ground under the wagon, but when it was raining everyone would need to get inside.
Each morning, everyone would be up before day light, and as soon as it was light enough to see, they would begin their trek. Forty, maybe fifty wagons, moving west 10 to 12 hours each day. Now we get to the focus of this article; what happens on the wagon train when someone needs to potty?
You watched all those cowboy TV shows, and you never once thought about that!
Let’s say someone needs to urinate, for that one reader, urinate is number 1, or if they needed to defecate, that is number 2. If there are some trees and or bushes, they could get behind a bush or tree, do their business, and then they could catch up with their wagon.
What did they do when the wagon train was out on the planes, no trees no bushes?
Now I have you thinking. It is good for you to think for a change. Please do not send me a note saying they may have had a thunder mug in the wagon, and used it.
What? If you don’t know what a thunder mug is, look it up.
(Yes, it could be considered, a portable potty.)
R U glad U R not on a wagon train!
Senior thinker of odd but interesting thoughts, Don the Ford
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
The day before 11/25/20
It is the day before Thanksgiving and it is cool outside. We received over half inch of rain last evening, probably more rain fell, but did not get into the rain gage. The wind was blowing so hard, that the rain was going sideways. There was some small hail in the rain, and I know that because I could hear it on the window next to my bed.
The wind and rain washed a bunch of leaves down the street. I do have a photo. I had cleaned the leaves from the curb in front of our house and now there are more back, Darn it!
The photo was taken this morning at the cul-de-sac, showing some of the leaves that have came down the street last evening.
I need to go to the store and get some screws and wood glue. I do have another scrap wood project going on, and if it ever gets to a finished project, there will be a photo.
My favorite wife and I wanted to wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
We know it has been a tough year for everyone. That being true, Donna and I have decided, during this week of Thanksgiving, we will reflect on things in our life, that we are thankful for!
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Don and Donna the Fords
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Rain 11/24/20
Rain rain don't go away, we need you to stay here all day! It is raining a little this morning, a little refers to a light rain that will not likely stay all day. We need the rain in a bad way.
I think I told you, the reading public, that a nice neighbor had given me some deer sausages. I am here to tell you, they are good! For that one person who does not like spicy food, this sausage is not for you, it is spicy.
I brought this up to provide you with a little more information. Our neighbor who lives on the other side of us, gave us some homemade chocolate chip cookies. She does an outstanding job of making these cookies. The cookies went bye bye quickly!
Having good neighbors, is just one of the many things we here at the Ford's Homestead have to be thankful for.
Yep, I have some things to do today, even though it is raining now, the rain should not keep me from being productive, unless you think I might melt in the rain. You know, I am as sweet as sugar!
Tres is upset because we are not going for a walk while it is raining. We might go later today.
My favorite wife has been working on getting everything ready for the Thanksgiving meal. We will have family here, but not expecting others. Usually, after the family members leave, we have friends show up, that is not what we expect for Thanksgiving or Christmas this year.
Well, I guess I will venture away from the key board, and do something productive.
May your day be filled with smiles! 😊
Senior retired person with both real and fake smiles, Don the Ford
If you can't tell the difference between real and fake, then you should be happy!
Monday, November 23, 2020
Legal walking or not 11/23/20
This morning as the Tres and I was rambling up the street, we met two ladies who were walking in the opposite direction. One of the ladies stated that I must have gotten a late start, to which I replied, being late is better than being illegal. Who’s illegal, asked one of the ladies, to which I replied, In the state of Texas it is illegal to walk and text at the same time, it’s kind of like driving and texting! The lady said, if it is illegal, I will stop. I wasn’t sure if she meant stop walking, or stop texting. I don’t know if it is really illegal, I just use that comment to strike up the conversation.
As I was walking in my normal observatory mood, (I know that is the wrong word, but I like it, and I used it, get off my case) I noticed a cat on the roof of a house. I thought it was cute so I took a photo, the photo isn’t very good but you can see the cat.
Rake some leaves into piles, vacuumed with the mower, then run the sprinkler system as we are in drought conditions! OH, sorry, I thought you were going to ask what I had planned to do today.
Do something that’s fun today!
I didn’t say be safe, if I need to remind you to use a mask and be safe, then it is too late!
Senior fun filled and silly grandpa, Don the Ford
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Sunday morning 11/22/20
This morning the Tres and I went for a walk. We normally do not walk on Sunday, but it is a pleasant morning with warm temps so we headed out. As we walked, I observed a friend’s yard and found it to be very interesting. The grass in his yard is doing something I had never seen before, so I got a photo and will post said photo below.
The green grass seemed to be in various lines through the yard. Maybe if I had a drone, and could get a photo from overhead, we might see a message written in the grass, you know, a message from space alien’s!
Change of topic; there is another posting on the blog posted today, so you get a two for one posting today.
Alien message, wear your mask, stay safe!
Senior person who sees things that may not be there, Don the Ford
Are you Unhappy? 11/22/20
Most of us are unhappy with the way things are. We do not like to wear the masks, we do not like the idea of not getting together with family or friends. Heck, I assume most of us have some amount of depression in our lives these days.
Please consider, this approach to help make things somewhat better.
A couple times daily, stop what you are doing for about 15 minutes.
Turn off all the TVs, videos, or games.
Stop all your projects, or jobs.
Find a comfortable quiet seat.
For a few minutes clear your mind and think positive thoughts.
Me, I don’t enjoy putting decorations on the house and in the yard. When I am doing that type work, I say to myself, “I don’t like doing this, but I am happy that I can still put the decorations on the house and in the yard”! Negative to positive.
Me, I am working on something and maybe I drop something, it gets dirty or maybe I have to do something over again. My first thought is, darn it, and I start to become upset. That is the best time to stop, smile and say with a smile, “if that is the worst thing that happens today, it isn’t a bad day”. Negative to positive.
Me, when things aren’t going right, I take a break, get a cup of coffee, I sit down for a few minutes, I have some time to think.
Maybe I got that from my dad. I remember when Dad would be working on something and things weren’t going right, he would say, “Contrary outfit”, he would stop what he was doing, get a cup of coffee, and take a break.
You, Me, Us, take time to find your way of dealing with an unpleasant situation, look for a positive approach. Before things get really bad, talk with family, a friend or a professional. Share your thoughts, it will help you and maybe your comments can help someone else. Take time to listen to others, you may be the positivity they need!
A smile always helps. Positive thoughts will help lift your spirits, and when you are happy, family and those around you will be happier.
Smile, share your thoughts, listen to others!
Senior presenter of ideas, Don the Ford
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Saturday my day off 11/21/20
I am watching a black and white ole time cowboy movie. I find it odd that we use to watch them and think they were realistic, now, I don’t think so, even though I still like them.
Subject change; good neighbor! As I sat outside yesterday afternoon, my neighbor Steve, not Dr. Steve, the other Steve (we have two Steve’s, one on each side of the homestead) came over and gave me three frozen deer sausages. These deer sausages have jalapeno’s and cheese in them. I have had them before, and they are great! Wow, we have nice neighbor’s!
Topic transformation; for that one member of the reading public, transformation means change. Yesterday, I received my order for the micro SD-cards, and I have recorded old movies onto three of them. I have written a name on the back of each card so I will know who gets what. I need to get a padded envelope for one of them so I can send it to my sister in Missouri. The other two are for my sons.
I can do a screen shot from the videos when I see someone or something, that I want a photo of, then print it. Yesterday I got a photo of my Grandpa, and one of my brother Amos. I will probably attempt to get others as time passes.
Theme alteration; we have only a few more things to do and the outside decorations will be done. I need to set the timers and try to get them all operating at about the same time. If, I mean when they are all working, I will attempt to get a photo for the blog.
It is time for a cup of real coffee, TTUL (that means, Talk To you Later).
Mask up, stay apart, sanitize!
Senior almost done with decorations, Don the Ford
Friday, November 20, 2020
What the heck? 11/20/2020
Yesterday, as I was allowed to help my favorite wife with the decorations, it happened that we were in need of white wire ties. I was going to replace a string of lights on a reindeer. We had previously used all of our white ties.
I was then allowed to go to the dollar store and get some white wire ties. They did not have any, but I did get a couple bags of candy. I then was forced to go to the hardware store, you know the one, it is named after a deck of cards. They had the white wire ties, 100 in a bag, the cost $7.59 plus tax, $8.22 total. If I had gone to the harbor store, I could have got the same 100 white wire ties for $2.00. Now, you know why I said, “I was forced to go to the hardware store.
I did get the reindeer lights replaced. Many decorations have been placed outside. There are still a couple more to be placed and we have to set some timers. We are almost to the point of me taking cartons and totes back to the Ford’s ole shed. There may be photos in the near future.
Subject change; our dog caught a rabbit or maybe a squirrel last night about mid night. My spouse of more then half a century, could not get him to come in. I got out of bed and he would not come to me. When I walked to him, he ran from me. We left him outside with the animal. Later he came to the door and wanted in. I let him in and took him to the garage where he spent the night.
This morning when I let him in, I observed throw up in three places in the garage. Yep, I had to clean it up. It was ugly throw up, but I could not tell if it was a rabbit or not.
Yesterday I watered the flowers in the hot house and also the blackberries. Photo.
Good looking leaves indicate a possibly good crop next spring.
I will be allowed to work more on the decorations today.
Be nice to ole retired people!
Senior ole retired person, get it? Don the Ford
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Allowed to do more 11/19/2020
Yesterday, Wednesday, I wanted to get my hair cut but did not. Too close to people you don't know, possible virus.
Today, Thursday, we normally go to the Cracker Store for Turkey and Dressing, we are not, due to the virus, but I will go and use curbside pick-up.
Today, Thursday, Tres and I usually go for a walk, we will do that.
Yesterday, Wednesday, I was allowed to bring many more decorations from the Ford's ole shed.
Today, Thursday, we plan to run the electric wires to the decorations.
Today, Thursday, I hope to get a nap today, heck, just thinking about all the work I will be allowed to do, makes this ole senior person tired!
Yesterday, Wednesday, as the Tres and I walked, we observed three young men standing near a vehicle talking. One of the fellows said to the other, "That is a good-looking dog". The other fellow agreed saying, "That is, a good-looking dog"! I stopped, looked directly at them and asked, "What about me? The one fellow said, "Oh, I was talking about you being good looking". Was he calling me a dog? 😊
Stay safe, stay apart!
Senior good-looking owner of a good-looking dog, Don the Ford
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Another electrifying post 11/18/2020
Having read the title line, one should have some opinion of what this posting is about. Obviously, any article about me would be electrifying, need I say more?
I have two photos taken last evening, of the front of the Ford’s ole homestead. You will see the results of my efforts to aid my favorite wife, in presenting our Christmas decorations to the viewing public. Two photos to follow, each taken from different positions.
I have received approval for my efforts installing these lights from the neighbor kids. There are more decorations to come, I will attempt to document the additional efforts. The title line was, “Another electrifying post”, did you get it, electrifying, lights take electric…
My favorite wife said she was only going to set up three Christmas trees in the homestead this year. She noted that she was not going to have the open house this year, and as such did not need a tree in every room.
Yes, I do intend to straighten the cross today! I knew you would see it, and I assumed you would comment! Ha ha, I beat you to it!
Tres and I need to go for a walk, so I am getting off this key board and getting dressed warmly.
Decorate and wear your mask!
Senior allowed decorator of the homestead, Don the Ford
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Forced or volunteer 11/17/2020
Let us not consider whether it was forced or volunteer, let us see it as, being allowed. When one is allowed to do something, even if it isn't their favorite activity, it makes the time spent on the activity seem more agreeable, and one might get supper if they participate in the allowed activity.
Before we venture into the allowed activity, I would like to comment on our visit to the vet yesterday. Tres has a problem with his ears. The vet says, he has a yeast infection. I wonder if we could scrape the yeast out of his ears, and use it to make some bread? That sounds real good!
We now have three medicines to give him over the next 10 days, not counting the one he has been taking. I believe we spent more at this one vet visit, than I spent on my doctor visits and prescription all of last year. We have learned from friends, that we should get the dogs meds from a pharmacy, and not the vet.
We will be taking him outside and trying to put liquids into his ears. Have you ever tried that with a very large dog? Not a lot of fun for him or us.
OK, what was I allowed to do yesterday.
I was allowed to bring many, but not all, of the Christmas decorations from the Ford's ole shed. The garage is now the storage area.
I was allowed to bring the Ford's ole ladder from the shed, and climb on it too many times yesterday, installing lights along the roof of the house.
I was also allowed to begin installing lights on the ground along the blocks, I made it to the new side walk.
Today, after Tres and I go for a walk, I will be allowed to place more lights starting at the new side walk and continuing to the area near the garage door.
I will also be allowed to attempt to repair a couple sets of lights. Heck I might even be allowed to do some other interesting projects! ☹ 😊 😐
May you be allowed, not forced!
Senior Christmas decoration aficionado, and volunteer worker, Don the Ford
Monday, November 16, 2020
All about yours truly 11/16/2020
What am I doing, I have just come inside after having an adult beverage outside? It was comfortable outside (Sunday afternoon) but I did have a sweat shirt and a hat on. Before you ask, yes, I have a photo.
It is funny, as I get older, I look older, darn it! Sitting outside, and now inside I have the oldies, channel 6, 60s music on, from Serious XM radio. I have an Alexa outside by my ole rocking chair and also in here.
I like the 60s and the 50s music, in part because of my brother Jack. He was always listening to, or playing music on his guitar. As I remember it, I may have been the only one of my brothers and sisters who was not musically inclined. I guess I was never a real person.
I went to the Cracker place and got our lunch. I have a little left over, and I will have it in a little while for my supper.
As I sat outside, I observed two people (a male and a female) riding bikes down and up our street. Both of them had electric bikes, and they were peddling, but I could hear the small sound the electric motor makes. Other than my electric bike, I have seen three electric bikes in Hewitt. Wow, I start a new fad, and everyone is now trying to get involved in my fad! I guess you don’t need to be a real person to be, “Leader of the fad”!
It is now Monday, and I have made an appointment to take the Tres to the vet. He has been scratching at his ears and shaking his head a lot. He always has some type of allergy happening but this is more than usual. We spend more at the vet than we do with our own doctor.
It seems as if we are going to put some of the Christmas decorations up outside today.
Do all you can to avoid the virus!
Senior retired person and Christmas decorations installer, Don the Ford
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Sunday at the Homestead 11/15/2020
Or the title could read, "What a wonderful world this is!" It is all in how one looks at it. As I look at it, I try to keep it a positive wonderful world most of the time. Note, I said most of the time as there are periods of being less that happy. This morning as I looked at the street in front of our house, but more in front of the neighbor's house, I noticed that it was no longer covered with leaves.
Yesterday, the street especially in front of the neighbor's house was almost totally covered with leaves from his tree, while this morning it is clear of leaves. That made me happy! Then I came into the use to be, office, now just my ole computer room, and looked at the security cameras. I found many of the leaves were now in front of the Ford's ole garage door, that made me less than happy. Do real people have ups and downs like us ole retired seniors on a fixed income do.
Talking about being happy, this ole senior on a fixed income found some berries yesterday, so we will not need to go hungry this evening. Yes, I have a photo.
Wow, we don't have to go Hungary today, we have some nice berries to eat!
What? Yes, I did make a posting yesterday, but I did not send an email to anyone, as I understand that my emails have a tendency to irritate certain of the reading public, and you know me, I don't want to upset or irritate anyone.
We learned yesterday that our in-laws were not going to have a Thanksgiving meal this year, due to the virus. We are still planning to have family over, but not planning on the non-family visitors. Hopefully, we can stay safe, and yet enjoy a good meal and a visit. Seeing your family once or twice a month is somewhat disheartening.
I guess I had better get the leaf blower out and attempt to blow those leaves away from the Ford's ole garage door. I would attempt to blow them into the Ford's ole front yard but, the wind is blowing to the south so I will allow the wind to move them into the neighbor's yard, with a little help from my leaf blower.
May the leaves blow away from you!
Senior, retired person with berries to eat, Don the Ford
What? Are you sure! You say they are not berries; they are flower seeds! Darn-it, there goes our meal! ☹