
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What is the subject 10/21/2020

            Well, I have several topics in mind for this journalistic endeavor, which do I start with.

            Rainbow; as I was setting on the Ford’s ole rocker yesterday afternoon, trying to enjoy my cold drink while listening to the radio, all alone without a friend in site, there was mention of a Rainbow. That for some very odd reason the word Rainbow brough back an ole memory. My brother Carl, had said that he was on the bank of the Mississippi river, that is not unusual, Carl fished a lot, and there was a Rainbow. He said that the end of the Rainbow, you know, the part the goes to the ground, where the pot of gold is! That the end of the Rainbow came across the river where he was standing, and he passed through the end of the Rainbow as it moved past! That is what Carl said, I am just repeating his story.

              Topic change; the other day I had the opportunity to talk with a friend whom I had not seen for a year or more. We had a nice conversation about several things.

              At this point I am starting to brag to you about myself and my supervisory staff. I was manager at the company when we hired this person, more than 40 years ago, and he is still delivering freight to the company stores. My supervisors and I picked several good people over the years, many of them stayed there long enough to retire, or they are getting close to retirement.

              My supervisors and I made good people choices. Now that I think of it, I do remember getting talked to about problems from my VP at that time, and one time by the president of the company. I do not remember anyone saying we made good staffing choices. 

            Topic change; my back has been hurting the last few days, maybe I am working too hard! I didn’t do much of anything yesterday, my favorite spouse and I cleaned her vehicle, it does look better, and I mowed the back yard. That was about it, other than dog walking, and now we are at the new topic. Tres and I always walk on the same side of the road each day, and since the road is convex, it causes one’s feet to be slightly off level. I have thought in the past that walking on the slightly slanted surface could cause back problems. If we walk on the other side of the street traffic will be coming from behind us and I do not trust most drivers.

            Let’s try another subject; I have called a sprinkler company to come and give me a bid on servicing our sprinkler system. Our system is working but due to the new cement work a couple heads need to be raised. This is not difficult work but it requires a person to be on their hands and knees and I don’t like working from my hands and knees. Yes, I do know how to do the work, I did work for a plumber in the olden days.

            I also worked for General Electric Supply Company (GESCO) many years ago. I was the warehouse worker and counter sales. It was interesting when an electrician would show up with a piece of cardboard and have some lines drawn on it with a word or two. They would say I need these things and briefly explain what the drawing was, then they would say, I am going to get a cup of coffee, I will be back in a little while. Then I would get the wire and electric panels they needed together and when they returned, I would help load the product in their trucks. Basically, I knew as much about electrical products as the electrician, they got paid big bucks, and I got paid little bucks. 

            Last topic; the sprinkler people showed up 30 minutes early, and did not give me a bid, they just started working on the system, 45 minutes later they were done. They did good work and are now gone. They treated us fairly on the price, and I would recommend them.


Treat others nice, others will be nice to you!


Senior person who spent less than $100 for sprinkler repair, Don the Ford

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