
Thursday, October 22, 2020

No respect 10/22/2020

            I get no respect, even when I am here at the homestead. Yesterday afternoon, it was a nice warm day, I had a cold drink in my hand, and I was sitting on the Ford’s ole rocker. Now as one may see, I was on my own property, and I was not bothering anyone, this time.

            Suddenly I was surprised by a partial acorn falling on me. I looked up into the tree limb that was above my head and I saw nothing. I would not have thought anything about this, if the acorn had been whole. There are several acorns on the limb directly above my seat. Possibly the acorn had fell off the roof of the house, I got back to my meditation.

            Darn-it, it happened again. This time, I was able to observe the culprit, a squirrel. I am sure he / she was doing this intentionally. The squirrel then climbed down the tree and joined two other squirrels in the front yard. I clapped my hands very loud trying to make a sound to scare the squirrels away, to no avail. I stood up and waved my arms and they ignored me.

I get no respect!

            Please allow this journalist to change modes and show you a photo. The photo is of me sitting at my desk entering this wonderful posting into the computer.


            What? Yes, that is my bible behind me.


We will be happy again, when politics stop!


Senior dis-liker of all political advertisements, Don the Ford

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