Well, I woke up again, wow, another day!
I did get the Ford’s ole office cleaned yesterday, and it only took me a little over three hours. Since no one cares, I will continue with what I did yesterday. I was able to get the ditch weeds all cut down. I first used the battery powered string trimmer which I had not recharged after a previous use. The battery gave out about 10 minutes into the cutting. I went and procured the battery from the leaf blower and it ran the trimmer for another 15 or so minutes. Neither battery had been charged and both had previously been used.
I then went to get the gas trimmer and I had enough gas to finish the ditch, which took about another 30 minutes.
Before any one asks, I did get to watch The Three Stooges on TV yesterday afternoon. I have noticed that even though they try to have different story lines, they always have basically the same slap, hit, kick, fall and pie in the face.
With nothing else to talk about, I will insert a photo. I was deleting photos when I looked at this one. As I observed the photo, it came to me that the trees seemed to form the bottom of the state of Texas. I added the top, and then a couple other things.
New subject; my spouse had told me that we had lost an item, and she more or less suggested I was the one who lost it. We looked everywhere, including in the trash but no luck. Last evening, as I lay in bed trying to find something to watch on the TV, I could not find anything that interested me, so I turned the TV off. Then I said, “Alexa play the sounds of water”. These sounds make me relax and allow me to think.
I lay there meditating about what I had read in the Bible yesterday, there are comments or situations that cause me to think. I don’t stay focused on one subject too long, so suddenly it came to me; the item that was lost could be in the dishwasher. This morning I looked and it was there. I am cleared, I did not lose anything. I was not thanked for finding the item, it was suggested that I had put it there. I get no respect!
May your meditations provide answers!
Senior problem solver who get no respect, Don the Ford
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