
Monday, October 5, 2020

More than one topic 10/05/2020

            The last topic will be political, our first topic is about sitting outside.

            I had gone outside with a cold drink, and was going to finish reading Revelations, which as some of you know, is the last book in the New Testament. As I sat there, I noticed a flower overhead, photo to follow.  Can you imagine how nice it is to have red blooms overhead?



            A neighbor came over and we discussed many subjects, as we enjoyed the cool weather and our cold drinks. We were totally surprised by a squirrel. This squirrel first ran under my chair and back, I thought it was our cat, so I wasn’t paying much attention. Glen said, “Did you see that?” I looked, and there was the squirrel, it had come back, and was sitting in front of us flapping its tail. I waved my arms and told him to get. This little guy or girl defied me, and came closer. Photos to follow.


           As you can see, he or she was young and not afraid. Charlie was sleeping about 8 feet away and never knew the visitor was present. Charlie likes squirrels, not as friends but as a meal.

            A little later another neighbor came over and joined us in our highly educational discussions, and a cold drink. It is nice to have friends!


            Politicians do not understand real people.

              I have come to that conclusion, due to my own non-understanding of others. Here in the Waco area, they have several times now, given out free food to anyone who needs it. Now they show on TV, the drive throughs with people in cars and trucks that are much newer than mine, getting this food. My first thought was if you can afford a new vehicle you can afford food. Yep, I was being judgmental, without a clear understanding of the total situation.

              A person with a nice vehicle, a house or nice apartment, who loses their job, would still have the nice vehicle and house or apartment, but may not be able to continue paying for them. Free food will help.

              I, not having to pay for a vehicle, a house or apartment, was seeing things differently than the unemployed.

              I believe politicians have it so much better than real people, that they do not truly understand the needs of the people they are supposed to represent. Consider running for office and all the donations they get from rich people. They do not need to spend their own money on their campaign, it is given to them, so later they can give back to the rich people, money taken from you and I.

              Even a good politician, and I believe there are few of them, has such a different life, that they do not really understand real, normal, people. 

              I doubt that it can be fixed, even if we were to remove all the career politicians from office and replace them with new normal people. The new normal politicians would quickly change and no longer be normal.   


              I hope I have not ruined your day, with my thoughts about politicians! Heck, every now and then we must be allowed to complain.


May your day be fun, and safe!


Senior sometimes provider, of less than happy thoughts, Don the Ford

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