
Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday post 07.12.2020

               I have nothing in mind to discuss today. You should feel lucky when the Don has nothing to write about. That means you can enjoy your Sunday without feeling as if you should read the Fords rantings.

               I guess I could enlighten that one person, who feels they have nothing better to do than read my posts, as to what I did yesterday. I brought the Ford’s ole riding mower to the garage where I checked a few things out. I then moved the mower to the front yard where I washed it. I think that may have been the first time I have ever really washed the mower. I have sprayed water on it to remove dust in the past but I can’t remember ever using a wash cloth to clean it.

               Wash cloth! When I wrote that word a thought came to mind. I was raise to say, “Wash rag”! We used a wash rag to wash our face and to wash dishes. I guess maybe at some point rags were used to wash things with, so the term just hung on. We actually had wash cloths, but still referred to them as rags.

               Hate! That is another term I used to mean more than one thing. If I did not like something I hated it. Many of the things that I did not like or enjoy, I would say I hate it. I learned not to say hate all the time when I was talking with some people at work and I noted that I hate that. I was asked why I hated it, and what could be done to change my mind. I then understood I should use dislike, do not enjoy, that is not my favorite, and so on!


               OK, you’re right, I should get back to what I did yesterday. After cleaning the mower I road it over to the neighbors and started mowing their front yard. They are on vacation and I want to help keep their yard looking good. As soon as I started another neighbor came over and brought his weed eater. Darrel did all the trimming as I mowed. It is good to have neighbors that are willing to help. I had not ask Darrel to help, he just volunteered. Neighbors who are willing to help others, what could be better.


               Not sure what we will do today. We like to go to the barrow restaurant for brunch, but with the rise of the virus we may just call in and order, go get it, and eat here at the Homestead.


Think safety for yourself, and others!


Senior mower washer, who has good friends, Don the Ford


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