
Thursday, July 30, 2020

Oatmeal raisin cookie 07.30.2020

              As the title line may suggest, I may want to provide input as to how much I like an, “Oatmeal raisin cookie”. As cookies go, the oatmeal raisin cookie is, “The leader of the pack”! If you are old enough, you should know that leader of the pack is taken from an ole time rock and roll song. If you are not familiar with that reference then, stop reading now!

              Now that we have reduced the number of reading public to just those who are knowledgeable and learned, in other words, “you”, I will continue with my comment on Oatmeal raisin cookies. I have always liked the oatmeal raisin cookies. They must never be hard and crisp, forcing one to dip them in ether coffee or milk, before eating.  When they are soft, one can enjoy them with, or without a beverage.

              In the olden days when I traveled a lot, I found a coffee shop in the Portland Organ air port that had one of the best Oatmeal raisin cookies I had ever eaten. The cookies were large, possibly 6 to 7 inches in diameter, and they were soft. They had a secret ingredient, it was coconut. Every time I flew in or out, I would head for the coffee shop and get a cup of coffee with a cookie!

              One of the last times I was traveling through Portland, I went to the coffee shop and no cookies. The cookie was what made those trips enjoyable. I guess, “All good things must come to and end”! 


              Tres is doing better, we went for a short walk and returning home I gave him a couple treats. He expects treats any time we go for a walk or a ride in a car. He is now under the desk causing me to not be able to get close to the key board.

              Last evening, actually it was early this morning when I went to bed the Tres came into the bed room and jumped on the bed. He is not supposed to be running or jumping. We are supposed to keep him on a lead, control him, until he gets the staples out. My favorite wife and I were trying to decide how we could get a 95-pound dog off the bed. We could not easily or safely remove him from the bed, so I just said, “Tres come”, and he jumped off the bed. No injuries were detected!


              Well, I guess that is it for now, I need to get up and move arounds some or I will fall asleep. I need to mow the back yard, maybe that would keep me awake.


May your day be filled with soft oatmeal raisin cookies!


Senior relater of uninteresting stories, just ask my first wife, Don the Ford

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