
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Gloves 07.14.2020

               Before I begin my ranting, I mean before I begin to enlighten you, the reading public, I would like to expound on my morning.

               I bounced out of bed and quickly went for a cup of coffee. As I sat on the Ford’s ole recliner I decided to mow the yard early this morning, in an attempt to beat the heat. The heat was kind of hot yesterday at 103 here in Hewitt. As I was getting ready this morning it came to me, if I was a real person, you know a wealthy person, I could have an electric string trimer and an electric mower. With electric equipment that operate very quietly, I could start at 6:30 or 7:00am.

               Before that one person asks, there is a noise ordinance here in Hewitt and people are supposed to wait until 8:00am or later, before they start making noise in the neighborhoods. I guess some people sleep later than ole people do.

               I did get the front yard mowed twice, I trimmed everything in front of the Homestead, and I did get the back 40 mowed. When I finished mowing I showered and then went and got sandwiches for me and my wife for lunch.


               This is where I begin ranting, you are allowed to stop reading now.


I have seen some people wear the latex gloves in an effort to seem as if they are keeping all the things they touch clean, free of germs.

As a past first responder, we wore gloves in an effort to first protect ourselves. If the person we were working on had some communicable ailment we wanted to keep their blood and body fluids away from us. Second was to protect the patient. We even had a special way to take the gloves off and proper disposal, to help avoid contaminating ourselves.

Another thing, where do they keep the gloves? It is my belief that most latex gloves may be clean, while in their box, but not sterile.

If someone put on new sterile gloves, and touched nothing after putting the gloves on or before handling your food, or administering some medication, then their gloves would be clean. If they have handled anything while wearing the gloves then they are no longer clean and never sterile.   

Have you ever seen a box of sterile gloves? I have not! Those we see in the doctor’s office and dentist’s office are clean, but not sterile,

When a fast food worker handles one order with the gloves on, then handles money or anything else, then handles the next order with the same gloves, the gloves are not clean. In those situations the gloves become unclean, and basically it is the same as handling things bare handed.

I am not against the latex gloves, heck I have a box here at my desk, they are clean but not sterile.

Just because someone has gloves, does not make them any cleaner that their bare hands. 

Heck I might be wrong, are am I right?


Wash your hands then put the gloves on!


Senior lawn manicurist and glove-ologist, Don the Ford  




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