
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Human Vet 07.07.2020

               The title line is not totally clear, so I will enlighten. I went to the Human Veterinarian today for my physical. The human vet is a doctor, just as an animal vet is a doctor?

               Staying at home has not increased my weight, same as last time. The doctor is a lady and I actually like her. She is short, and she wears her hair in a way that I, as an old person, I see as not neat, but that is her not me. She suggested that I exercise more.

               Now I have an appointment with the eye doctor this Friday, they usually dilate my eyes when I see him, and I do not like that.


               Subject change, today is Tuesday and I usually mow on Tuesday. It has rained a couple times today, so I will postpone the outing till tomorrow. The front is so tall that I will need to mow it twice not just to make it look good but to mulch up the clippings.

         Our neighbor is out of town and I will mow his front yard probably twice while they are gone. I plan on edging his front yard similar to what I do to my yard. He doesn’t edge as thoroughly as I do, so we will see if he notices the difference.


               I need to do some touch-up painting on the computer stands (I have made two of them, I don’t know why) I will add a photo or two for your pleasure. Yes they are adjustable.


               When they are good and dry I will get a photo of one with the computer on it. I also need some small rubber pads to put on the bottom to keep them from sliding on the desk. Bids start at $125.00 for the stands. 

               It is lunch time for me so I need to get away from this desk and feed my face!

May you have a wonder filled day!


Senior inventor and outstanding scrapper of wood, Don the Ford


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