
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Federal debit / credit card 07.11.2020

               I have again written about the future of Government Debit / Credit cards and the elimination of money. I have decided that subject is too harsh, for “You,” the normal reading public, so I have a different topic, which came to me as I watched an ole time movie.


               As I sat there coffee in hand, the TV was presenting an ole movie possibly from the 40s or 50s. The story is about this honest thief who reportedly has killed people, yet he is considered as a good guy. This honest thief would steal from the rich and give to the poor. Now if you have been listening to what you are reading, you might know which character this is about, he was a Hood, his last name was Hood. Does that make him a hoodlum?

               As I watched this story unfold, there was a part where they were having a shooting contest. Now for that one person who is not as bright as the rest of us, the shooting contest was with bows and arrows. They are all shooting until it came down to the last two contestants. The first guy shoots and hits dead center of the target. Then the honest thief shoots and he splits he arrow of the first shooter. Everyone was cheering and the honest thief was said to be the winner. The honest thief was given the Golden Arrow as a prize.

               It came to me, as I sat there considering the situation, there was no winner! It was a tie, the first shooter hit dead center and the second shooter split the arrow of the first shooter also hitting dead center! They should have been required to continue shooting until one of them legitimately won. 

               You are right, I am a very observant person!


We hope your weekend is safe and enjoyable!


Senior observer and one time good guy, Don the Ford


You can stop reading now, the following is about Government takeover, and you don’t need to read this.




               With all the new, mostly annoying situations caused by the virus, I have again rekindled my belief that, “Money is going out of existence”. I am sure that at least one of the reading public, of which you participate in, is wondering why the Ford got back on this subject. 

               Allow me to expound on this subject. I was allowed to venture out of the Homestead the other day as I needed a $3.00 part for my air compressor. I went to the Harbor store and procured the needed item. As I stood there in line at a social distance from others, the store clerk was telling the two subjects at the checkout station how long the virus could live on paper money and coins. She went on to explain that most people are using the plastic credit cards, but she didn’t say how long the virus could live on the plastic. I paid with paper money but that conversation got me to thinking.

               Everywhere you turn businesses are wanting us to order on line, they want people to work from home, and rather than seeing family and friends in person, we are expected to do it via a computer or smartphone. Almost every business would rather we use a credit card and not use paper money. Look at all the stores that are trying to get customers to check themselves out rather them having an employee do it.

               In the near future the government will go to a debit / credit system. People will be issued a card with their name, photo and an 18 digit number on it, the card will have an ID chip, and it will replace money. If you work, or receive income from any source, the funds will be entered into the government’s computer system. At that point you can use your card to purchase items you need.

               A neat part to this government debit card is, they know how much you earned, and they will deduct the taxes from your earnings. You will not need to file any income tax, as they have already taken their share.

               After about 3 years with this system, people will have the opportunity to not carry the card, they can have the chip implanted in their hand or forehead. Another neat part to this chip, it will become the only identification that you will need. Did I say, all newborn will have the chip implanted at birth?

               Now I see that someone has a question, what if I don’t want the card or the chip. You don’t have to take it, but you cannot buy, sell, or work without the chip. Kids can’t go to school without the chip. You can’t go to the doctor, you can’t drive a vehicle, and you can’t have a smart phone without the chip!

               6 + 6+ 6= 18 digits for the ID chip. Where they insert the chip on your hand or forehead, it does leave a mark. The Government computer is a beast of a machine.

Wow, something sounds familiar about all this. It seems as if I have read something about 6 6 6, and a Beast!

            Are you ready?      

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