
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Coffee Shop 07.03.17

            I went to the coffee shop and I will not post their name as they think they are the star in coffee. They need to have some normal person, like me, to review their operation.
            Before I get into the one simple change that should be made at many of the chain operations that have a drive-thru, I want to tell you about the female subject in the vehicle that was in front of me. 
            As I sat in the drive through line, the vehicle ahead of me appeared to be a new Ford. The back window was covered with a lot of dirt, even though there was a windshield wiper on the back window. The female subject was fluffing up her hair. To say her hair appeared to be a bushy mess, would be an understatement. I observed this female subject spraying what appeared to be hair spray on her hair inside the vehicle. Hair spray is probably good for the vehicle upholstery. 
            This female subject pulled up to the mic and placed her order. I could see her face in the outside rear view mirror. Her face was kind of pretty but she chewed gum like I do, aggressively! Maybe she spits the gum out before she gets to work, or where ever she is going. That aggressive chewing isn’t very lady like. 
            After she placed her order she looked into the outside rear view mirror to check out the person in the vehicle behind her, me. I could see, she wasn’t impressed! 
            Also, on the subject of coffee shops, I asked for, “A tall coffee with cream”, which should have provided me with a small coffee with cream in it. Their coffee is so strong I have cream added. I don’t know what they had for me but it appeared to be something like ice cream in a clear plastic container with a spoon. I again told the young lady what I wanted, she appeared to be a little frustrated with this senior citizen. 
            That is the end of that part of the story. There is no more info about female subjects, so if that is what keeps your attention, you can stop reading now. The rest of this posting is complaining, I mean commenting by me.
            Drive through can be a pain in the back side. I do not like to get up to the mic and have someone ask for my order when I haven’t seen the menu. I guess one could refer to the list of food and drinks available as a menu. One suggestion, have the so-called menu posted before, and at the mic, so I can review what I might want before I get to the mic, and while at the mic I can read from the menu
            That simple suggestion would help many of the customers with their orders, along with speeding up the order process, which might mean the employees could be more productive. 

Heck, I have suggestions on most situations, ask and you shall receive!

Ok you didn’t ask for that suggestion, but if you need info about anything, let me know, as I am a know-it-all, I mean I know all things! 

Host:   dandy  Don Ford


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