
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Africa dust is back 07.18.18

            It was a blistering summer afternoon with temperatures that reached 106 degrees. I, along with my sidekick Tres, ventured out of the Ford’s Homestead in an effort to enjoy a glass of Diet Coke on the rocks. Tres and I enjoy sitting outside and acknowledging neighbors as they drive past.
            This particular afternoon Tres and I couldn’t help but notice the normally blue sky was an ugly gray. The moon was overhead but it was almost indistinguishable with all the African dust in the sky. This dust caused us to consider, if the dust comes from Africa, then the air with the dust must also come from Africa. So, are we breathing African air? I live in Texas for a reason, I want to breathe Texas air, and not African air! Now we not only have illegal aliens crossing the border in to Texas, we have dust and who knows what else sneaking in from other countries. When does it stop?
            Tres was again lying in a shaded area of grass as I sit on the Ford’s ole rocker when we both looked up to the sky. What was it that caught our attention? It was the sound of a very large military helicopter flying over. This helicopter had two propeller blades and is big enough to carry very large loads, and it is very noisy. Tres watched it until it was out of sight, he gets his observation powers from me.
            They have now predicted that we may have highs of 108 Thursday and Friday of this week. They did say, “It will be a dry heat”, as if that makes us senior citizens feel better. I guess if I am going to mow the small amount of grass that is growing in the back yard, I had better do it early today. There isn’t much growing out back, but I should do some trimming.

            I have had a couple suggestions along the line of, “I would rather get an email for each posting rather than the two emails weekly”. One comment was, “I read the postings in reverse, not in order of posting”. If you have a thought on this let me know.

Mow early and beat the heat, that’s me!

Mower extraordinaire:             Don Ford

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