
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Banished to the outside 07.07.18

            This fun filled and might I say, exciting story, is about me. What could be better than a short story about me? You are right, nothing could be better!

            It was a normal summer afternoon, about 5:00pm. That time of day, known by some as, happy time, and happy hour to others. Can it be happy time, if it only last an hour? I had decided to venture from the air conditioned comfort of the Ford’s house, to the shady area near the garage door, and the Ford’s ole rocker. Immediately upon walking from the house, I was impacted by the extreme heat and humidity. With all this humidity, one would think it had been, or would be raining. It hasn’t rained, a significant amount, in weeks. There has been rain in the area, but for some reason it always seems to miss us. We are 9 inches behind for the year.

            I walked over to the ole rocker and placed my cold drink on the small table next to my chair. I then moved another small table from an area in the sun light, and placed it in the shade on the other side of my chair, where I put my radio.

            I slowly moved into position and allowed my body to drop onto the chair. I turned the radio on and made myself comfortable, as I reached for my cold drink. After a sip or two from the ice cold beverage, I was beginning to feel relaxed. Even though it was stifling outside, there was a somewhat refreshing breeze.

            The neighborhood was quiet, the only sounds that were filling the air was from the cicadas, and they were very boisterous. There was a dead one on the drive way the other morning and I was going to pick it up and show it to Alex when he came over. Unfortunately Tres picked it up before I got to it, and I don’t know where it ended up. 

            The warm breeze helped with the heat, when to my surprise there was a sudden drop in temperature of maybe 10 or so degrees. I immediately thought of an out flow from a rain storm, and that we might get some rain. Nope, no rain.

            I sat there in the ole rocker sipping on my diet coke, when I was suddenly surprised by a hawk that flew over, possibly 6 feet above my head. This hawk was being chased by a mocking bird, and the mocking bird was making a lot of noise. They both flew under the neighbor’s trees and then up into, or through the trees. I could no longer see where the hawk went, but the mocking bird stopped in the tree as I could hear him or her, very clearly.

            I find it interesting that one can have small adventures and never leave the comfort of the ole rocker!

May your day be filled with safe adventures!

Explorer;         Don Ford


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