
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Newspaper 02/20/2021

            We received a newspaper yesterday and today, but still no post office deliveries. The streets are looking better, I assume the post person may make a delivery today. I am assuming that mail may have piled up at the offices, and the little trucks may be filled to the top. 😊

            We here at the Ford homestead hope to venture to a couple stores today. We don't expect to get all the things we need, but possibly a few things so these two ole senior persons might survive these extreme times. 😐

            When the Tres went to get the paper this morning, I noticed some ice on one of my favorite wife's yard decorations. Photo to follow.


            The word welcome may seem less than inviting when one looks at the ice. Can we say the Ford's offer a cold welcome? 😊

            I cleared the Ford's ole, still kind of new, driveway yesterday, of ice and snow. It was a bunch of work for an ole retired person, but it did give me something to do.

            During the latter part of the work period, I decided to take a break and get a cup of coffee. I needed a place to sit and rest while enjoying the caffeine fix. All the chairs outside were covered with ice and snow.

            We here at the Ford's homestead have a wheel chair, so I procured it, and took it to the drive way where I had been working. I sat there in the wheel chair drinking my coffee. A couple neighbors drove by and waved at me but did not stop to help an ole person in a wheel chair.

            Yep, I am silly grandpa, heck if you can't have fun don't do it! 😊

            A topic change; I have a photo of Charlie, our cat, showing the proper way to live through this cold weather.


            Charlie said, "Stay inside and take long naps!"


Staying safe, has more meanings now!


Senior person who is going to try to go to the store today, Don the Ford


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