
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Need to change 02/23/2021

            If one was inquisitive, (look it up if you don't know what it means) they might have asked after reading the title line, "What needs to be changed"? Since no one asked, I will change the subject and not elaborate as to what needs to be changed.

            My first wife and I went to a couple three stores yesterday, she bought several items, some of which we needed, some were just for snacking.

            My favorite spouse did not allow me to butcher the rose bushes yesterday, saying wait until we are sure the frost is over. It is supposed to be close to 80 degrees today, I think the frost is over. Even though I can't address the rose bushes, there are other bushes I can and will address. Outside working is better than inside sitting.

            There was a bunch of thistles in the ditch behind the Ford's Homestead. I failed to venture forth and cut them down. The recent low temps of 1 degree, did the work for me, they are all dead. Yes, they will come back but for now they are dead.

            I have one bird homestead (AKA bird house) that is on a post about 5 feet above the ground. When I put it there, I was not sure if a bird would nest n it, that close to the ground. They are! 😊

            I picked Alex up from school yesterday and Tres was happy. I have a photo of happiness!



            The sign at the door of the store states, "Mask required", which means, properly wearing the mask, and that is not wearing it under your chin, with that ugly nose and mouth showing. Some genius' wear them incorrectly, they do not care about you and me! Those people are the north end of a south bound donkey (AKA Jack Ass)!


Don't be a genius, protect others!

Senior soon to be yard worker when it gets a little warmer today, Don the Ford


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