My spouse went to the doctor yesterday and the doc said she could take the brace off! 😊 He did say take it easy with the hand and wrist for about 2 weeks. No heavy lifting for a while! The doctor did not tell her that she could not back hand me with her right hand, darn it!
They have some very pleasant staff at this medical office, we actually enjoy visiting there. The lady who came to the waiting room to get us ask my first wife, "Did you have to bring him with you again?" So hurtful was the comment that I forgot to cry and I laughed. 😊
When we were leaving, the young lady who asked us the questions and took our temp on the way in, was still there, so I asked if she needed to ask me those questions and take my temp to get me out of there, and she said, "No".
She then surprised me with a question, "Are you a preacher"? I said, "I am not a preacher, why did you ask". She said, "You act like a preacher". I then stated, "I am not a preacher, but I have been ordained". She then said, "That is your calling!"
Let's adjust the topic to birds. For some unknown reason, I have noticed that we have a lot of Crows in the neighborhood this year. When one steps outside one hears them calling to one another, especially during the morning hours.
We also have a mockingbird here at the homestead who seems too not be afraid of me. She or he does not fly away when I walk outside. As I am reviewing the camera monitor, I often see this mockingbird on top of the swing set. I have now determined why he / she is there each morning. He / she is there to remove the moths from the wall near the night light. I guess the moths are his / her breakfast. 😐
I have two projects in mind for today, will either actually be accomplished, who knows? Earlier this week I brought a small generator from the shed to the garage for some maintenance. The generator made it into the garage, that is when my focus changed. I began to clean and properly position some items. I did make some needed room, I did sweep the floor, I did not do any maintenance to the small generator. Don't ask, I have two generators, one small one large.
The second project would be, spray some weed killer on the weeds that are popping up in the yard. I need to read the instructions to see if there is a temperature requirement and how long before or after rain it can be used. We may get some rain today.
Did I say, the other day when I was supposed to be doing maintenance on the small generator, that I came up with an idea for a work bench and shelving in the back of the garage. I have started drawing some ideas on paper and did a little measuring. I would like to move the large generator to the garage and it would be placed into this area. I don't stay focused on uninteresting or non-challenging projects for too long.
Non focus allows for more projects!
Senior retired person with projects, to do as only I can do them, Don the Ford