
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What did I do 04/21/2020

            Well it seemed that most of the things I did was odd, in error, or just wrong.
            Let’s start with the fact that I decided to make a new bird house, actually it will hopefully be a cat house. What is a cat house she asked, it hopefully will be a bird house with cats drawn on the outside.
            As I was attempting to create this house when it became obvious to me, that the wood I was using was slightly smaller than what I had used, and I did not start off with a square piece of wood. Yep, all dumb mistakes. I did have some help with the Cat house, photo to follow
            Yep, molly was on the work table checking my work. I did get the cat house together and painted but the art work has not yet been applied. I am hoping my spouse of more than 20 years (much more) would volunteer to draw the cat.
            I received in the mail the parts that I ordered to attempt to repair the Ford’s ole string trimmer. Why would I want to repair it? Good question. It converts into a pole chain saw. I took my time and began to repair the unit. After I put it together it will start but not run when the choke off. I have the feeling that the gas line are reversed. It would be nice if there was a drawing of the gas lines. There are three lines and I now believe two are switched.
            As I was finishing up my initial work on the Poulan Pro, Tres began barking. He is a very loud barker, and I not being in a good mood any way, went to see what he was barking at. The neighbor was spraying something on the grass in his back yard. I grabbed Tres by his collar and forced him inside the house. I do not like to get that mad, it can’t be good for me. 
            I was able to put everything away and then I decided to take a few minutes and calm down. I remember when my dad was working on something, and it was not going right, he would say, “Contrary outfit”, then he would take a break, get a cup of coffee, and then he would go back with a clear mind and finish the project. The key is to understand that I am getting upset, then I can take a break.
            I did notice that our neighbor had the bird house that I had given his granddaughter, hanging in a tree in their back yard. It will take some time before the birds get use to the house and then possess it. Photo to follow.
            My spouse of over half a century decided to provide me with a haircut yesterday. She did as good as the hair stylist’s people do. Photo of me getting cut to follow!
            Do not click to enhance!

            And that was Monday, what will Tuesday bring?

Stay at a safe distance, while being friendly!

Senior person with a fresh haircut, Don Ford


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