
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Real coffee 04/02/2020

            As the reading public understands, I prefer real coffee. This morning as I was preparing a cup of real coffee a memory from an estimated 63 years ago popped into the ole senior’s head. This memory was of my Dad making a cup of not real coffee. Now my Dad liked coffee, and at night when he wanted a cup, he would not make a whole pot of coffee. He would get the instant coffee out and he would go to the kitchen sink. He would turn on the hot water and then hold on to the faucet. When he could feel the faucet get hot, he would then fill his cup with the hot water, add a spoon full of fake coffee. Why would I remember something like that? I can recall a memory from more than 60 years ago and I don’t know what I had for supper last night. Wait a minute, we had fish with homemade fries and hush puppies, my memory is improving.
            Working from home; many of you are working from home during this unusual time, and that is something new to you. Heck, I started working from home about 3 years before I retired. It was odd when I started working from home. I would get up at the same time as if I were going to the office, I would dress as if I were going to the office and then head into the Ford’s little office area. It took me about 6 weeks to change my ole habits into new habits.
            Knowing that, for those of you working at home, you will probably change your habits and get use to working at home, just about the time you will be required to go back to work. If it isn’t one thing it is another!
            I took a photo of some spots of clouds. I have a good imagination so I see things others may not see. In the photo I see a bell and a couple jellyfish. Take a look.
            Our neighbor who doesn’t mow his yard very often, was out mowing yesterday afternoon. I thought about mowing the back yard, but that meant I would have to get outside and do something. Then I thought about getting a few sheep or goats and keep them in the back 40. Then I would not need to ever mow the back 40 again! Also they would defecate (poop) all around the back 40 which is fertilizer, and that would cause the grass to grow, which would continue providing food for them. Wow, why didn’t I think of that before?
            I presented this idea to my spouse of almost 51 years and ask for her thoughts on this plan. She then allowed me to go out back and get on the Ford’s ole riding mower and mow the back 40. After mowing, I was then allowed to eat supper!

Be careful presenting new ideas to a spouse!

Senior silly grandpa, Don Ford


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