
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunday Morning Post

51 years together            04/05/2020
          April 5th is our anniversary date, now we have been together 51 years.
I received an anniversary gift from a good friend, and I have a photo. Click to enhance
          We are not yet totally through, “The great toilet paper crisis of 2020”, but I do have the cup for when we do get through it. J

          A friend had sent me a post which they had seen. It had to do with the Passover and the blood that was put on the door posts. This posting had suggested we put red ribbons on our door post as a symbolic representation of the blood of the Passover. This person’s post was referencing the virus pandemic. I don’t have a problem with the ribbon, but most people would not know why the red ribbon was there.
          I believe we should all have faith, and along with our faith, I believe that we should do our part to follow the guide lines such as, staying our distance from others, no group assemblies, wear the face mask in public, and wash our hands often.
          Believe in God, and even though one believes in God, we still need to do all we can, to protect ourselves and others. With God directing us, that means we should use good judgement, and our abilities, which he has given each of us, to stay safe, to help others, and love your neighbors! 

God is there for us, and we need to do our part.

Senior participant in the great toilet paper crisis of 2020, Don Ford


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