
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday 04/26/2020

            Another Sunday has come, and we are still keeping our distance from friends and family. Not being able to see family, “Sucks!” I guess that word kind of provides you with an understanding of my attitude, about this so-called distancing.
            I have been messing around with more bird homesteads, now I just need to find someone who wants a, “Bird nest place”. Putting these units together isn’t a lot of fun, but it gives me something to do. I even tried a different pattern using some scrap lumber. I may decide to paint a house or two.
            I have a couple new start up black berry, you know, they pop up somewhere that you don’t want them to grow. I don’t have a place right now where I want to plant then, so I will put them in old flower pots as temporary homes.
            I had called our son David and asked him, when he goes shopping and if he finds some disinfectant wipes to get us some. He called this morning and said they found some. He got three containers, one for his family, one for us, and one for the other grandparents. He brought them over and he also brought some cheese enchiladas. We sat outside and talked for a while. He didn’t have to work this Sunday, but I think he had about 20 hours of overtime for the week.
            Well, I need to either take a nap or dig up the black berry plants.
            How about both a nap and then the berries. I have a photo of two small plants, the leafs are a little different, so I think one is thorn-less and the other thorny. I hope they will live in the pots, if they do I will find a new home for them. I might give them to the neighbor kids.

            As you know, I do believe in recycling, so I have a few pieces of wood that I have recycled. I don’t know what they are, I don’t have a name for these wonderful recycled wood pieces, but they are kind of cute. Click to enhance.
            I think they kind of look like cigars, but they are wood.

            I moved a huge flower pot with dirt and a huge flower. I believe this pot and flower must weigh close to 80 pounds. For a senior citizen who is over 60 years old (way over) it was a tough job, but I made it happen. I may not be able to get out of bed in the morning.

Work in the yard and the day will go quickly!

Senior flower mover and bird house inventor, Don Ford        


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