
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Then there were three 04/28/2020

            Did you even read the title line? Ok, one of you read the title line, so for the rest of you, I will not even try to explain what it means. Yesterday I did trim and mow the front yard, and the yard looks very nice, at least for a few days. As I was preparing to mow, a couple of female subjects (aka neighbors) came walking down the street. We began a conversation at the suggested distance. During the conversation my spouse of 51 years came out of the homestead and joined in.
            One of these very intelligent ladies who had very good taste, asked about my display of bird houses. She asked if I sold these bird houses, to which I answered, no, I give them away. At that point she asked if she could have one. I said yes, and told her to pick out the one she wanted. We all walked up and she picked one of the houses. That is when the other lady with good taste said, she also wanted one. I tried to explain to her that I had offered one to her husband and he said he did not want the birds pooping in his yard. If he had a bird house he would have bird poop. She said she wanted one anyway, and I gave her one.
            There was 5 houses this morning, and then there were three!
            I did run the yard sprinklers today and it appeared that they all popped up. It was very windy so some of the water was shared with the neighbor.
            I have a photo of our dog with his mask on. There have been a lot of people with dogs going up and down the street, so we did not want our dog to get the virus so he now has a mask. He is watching the mail box, he keeps other dogs from urinating on the post. Click to enhance.

            I should say the first photo is not of a real dog.
Odd happening; this morning as I was attempting to find a few scraps to eat for breakfast, the word Ubiquitous came to mind. I said the word out loud several times. I had no idea what it meant.  I ask Alexa what the definition of ubiquitous was, and then how to spell it. I said it was an odd happening, I didn’t say it was interesting.
Wear your mask, wash your hands!
Senior bird house supplier, and mask enthusiast, Don Ford


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