Well, I began writing this on Sunday afternoon. We, by that word I mean, my first wife and me, went to lunch earlier Sunday. Lunch was good and we saw and talked with several friends. I did get a nap when I returned to the homestead. Our hound dog Tres, who had been in the back yard for several hours, had 4 muddy feet. The towel we normally used to wipe his feet did not even come close to removing the mud. He was banished to the garage.
At some point he began barking and I decided to see if his feet had lost any of the mud, the mud was all gone! Yep, no more mud on his feet, it was now dried dirt. I then prepared a hose on the front porch which would be used to wash dog feet. Tres did not like the cold water on his feet, but he did stand still allowing me to wash them. After I dried his feet, we went for a walk.
With all that water and feet in mind, a question arose. As you probably know, my mind works outside the areas that would be considered normal. These wonderful thoughts come from places that regular minds can’t conceive. What is the thought that arose? It was a question. “If a person were able to walk on water, similar to the passages in the Bible, would walking on water be slick and slippery like walking on ice or would there be friction under ones feet as if they were walking on a floor.”
Vehicles can skid out of control (hydroplane) on roadways covered with water due to reduced friction. Now we understand, if you were called to walk on water, you better have at least the faith of a mustard seed, because if you didn’t, you could possibly slip and fall and you could sink under the water.
Another thought along this line, if there were ripples in the water, when you walked on it, would you feel the ripples or when you step would your foot step on a flat surface?
What happens if the water was moving as in a swift stream, would you be knocked down?
I told you I think outside the normal. If you can’t have fun don’t do it.
Let us change the subject.
Winter is here, and spring may have sprung all at the same time. Yesterday it was sunny and 72 degrees here in Hewitt TX. One would think that with winter being in full swing all the leaves would have fallen from the trees, but not so. I have a photo showing you that our trees have not yet given up, and are still hanging on. When the last leaf falls will that mean summer is here? Yes the blue sky is very pretty and there are no clouds in the sky, but you are supposed to be looking at the leaves still hanging on!
Totally different subject:
Tres and I were here in the computer room when we heard a noise which sounded as if someone had knocked something over in the garage. Tres barked and I got up to see what was going on. When I walked into the garage I could see several people in the neighbor’s yard and the mail box had been knocked down. After some investigation we learned that an adult woman was riding a bike down the street when a large dog began to chase her. She road into the neighbor’s mail box and knocked it down.
Several neighbors responded to help and provided some first aid. The neighbor loaded the bike and lady in their truck, she rode inside not in the back, and they drove her home.
We hope she wasn’t hurt. I now wonder if the police will be involved since the dog chased her. The mail box was on a 4X4 post but they said it was a little rotten.
Slippery or not, walking on water is still miraculous!
You didn’t think I knew the word, “Miraculous”, did you?
Senior presenter of odd thoughts; Don Ford
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