Gate of the Gods 01.25.19
My Hypothesis of the Gate of the Gods, follows.
In the photo below, you should see a wall carved out of rock, and there is what appears at this distance to be a doorway into the rock wall. That which appears to be a doorway is not. It is an indention carved into the rock wall.
In the close up below, you can see the indention which was carved into the wall. If you look closely, you can see a round dark spot in about the center of the indention. It is said that a metal device, which I have titled, “The Lock”, was placed in the hole as a point of reference for a transporter. Who carved the wall and gate way, and who was it to communicate with, those from the heavens.
In the photo below, we see a person standing in the opening which is known as the Gate of the Gods. I will attempt to explain how and why this so-called gate, was placed here.
The Gate was placed there so those from the heavens could transport to, and from earth. The Gate was made in a manner and size to allow one being to stand in it, and only one could be transported at a time. Why only one at a time, it was for security. If one being with bad intentions is transported, those in the heavens could handle one. If several could be transported at one time, they might be able to take over in the flying object located in the sky.
Beings who were able to move to and from the earth through this gate were the leaders, and they had, for lack of a better description, “A key”! To be transported from earth to the heavens, a being would insert “The Key” into the “Lock”. When the key came in contact with the lock, it sent a signal to those in the sky. The signal would identify the individual this lock was issued to, the beings in the heavens would then activate the transporter, bringing that individual to the Heavens. (Heavens, or flying object defined, could be a space ship or a satellite in orbit around earth.)
Some have said this Gate way was the location of an entrance to a worm hole, but it was not. As you now know it is a permanent location for a transporter to send and receive a single being.
Those from the heavens came to earth looking for gold and other minerals. They had located colonies in various locations around the world. The mother ship was a huge vessel in which more than a thousand beings along with a large number of robots could be stationed.
Any number of beings from the mother ship, could be brought to any earth location.
The leaders of these beings from the sky were considered, “Gods from the heavens,”, since they would appear and disappear in the Gate! These beings had come to earth for gold and other minerals and they also studied the inhabitants. Naturally, during their time with the local inhabitants, they provided information that had not previously been known.
These sky people helped the locals by providing medical help. This medical help was another area that cause the locals to believe these beings were Gods!
A little known fact, the sky beings no longer had sex with each other, their off spring came from artificial insemination. Why did they decide to go to artificial insemination? The female being, over time, had become in charge on their planet. With the female beings in charge, sex ended.
On earth, the male sky beings were having sex with many female earthlings, and producing offspring. The off spring of a sky person and earthling looked different than either the sky being or earthlings. Their offspring often did not survive. The few who survived were very intelligent. Although slightly different in appearance, when the offspring became older, they were often put in leadership positions by the locals. The female sky person felt, and were, superior to earthlings, they found the local inhabitants more or less repulsive, but used them as servant workers.
The mission was completed after some 50 earth years, and after the last being place their key in the lock and was transported back to the Heavens, the lock was removed from the gate. There was a small group of Sky people who stayed on earth, some of their own choice, and others were left because they had sex with earthlings or were the product of sex with an earthling.
Now you know the reason for, “The Gate of the Gods”.
For that one person who doubts this is a true story, prove it wrong.
From the all-knowing mind of; Don Ford
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