
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Scanning old photos 01.23.19

            Since no one asked, I decided I would show a photo that I had scanned over the past couple days. I have no idea how old it is, but it wasn’t taken recently. No, I am not in the photo.
            After I finished the scanning of the photos, I decided I needed a little time to rest my seriously stressed and over worked body, and reflect on it all. Would you believe; I found a quiet location and assumed the position so I could vegetate, I mean meditate. I wanted to get my mind into a state of nothingness. No thoughts, just allow the brain to relax.
            While my brain was in neutral it came to me, Meditate and Vegetate are kind of the same.
            Vegetate: a passive existence without exertion of body or mind.
            Meditate: reflect on or ponder without exertion.
            It is amazing that while in my vegetation state, my brain did not solve any of the world’s problems, I am not any smarter, but I did relax my body, and after coming out of the vegetative state I felt renewed!
            What? Ok.  Yes, I will answer that question, if you will just stop talking. That person’s question was, “Where did you find a quiet location, were you on the floor and if so, were you on a tile or carpeted floor”?
            Good question. I took finding the best location for my vegetation very seriously, as you should also, if you decide to, reflect on or ponder without exertion. I find the perfect spot to be on the Ford’s ole recliner. I try to enter that state every day about the same time, usually after lunch. It can also be referred to as a nap!

            I just walked outside to greet the Gabi as she will be here today, due to being ill yesterday. The school system has a rule, if the child has a fever they need to be clear for a day before returning to school. She is find today.
            While outside I happened to notice that it was cold. The weather person stated that it was 34 this morning. While outside in the cold I decided to move the recycle bin to the curb, and I noticed ice on the top of the bin. Ice means it was at least freezing. Photo to follow.
            The blue color of the bin is due to the freezing cold weather as the recycle bin is actually green. Cold weather changes many things.

Vegetate or meditate daily, it is good for you!

Senior guide to vegetate; Don Ford


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