
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Weekend 01.26.19

            The weekend is upon us. I am beginning this article on Friday, so I guess you could say I am looking into the future. Our oldest son will be here this Saturday, and we will be celebrating his birthday, he will be 24 years old, times two. We plan to go out to lunch with Patrick and Karla, along with Dave, Claire, Gabi and Alex. Good food and family, what could be better!
            Different subject; as I was driving Gabi to school Friday I was talking about the compass on the screen of the car. Gabi asked that I stop talking, which I did. I now assume old grandpas talk too much to the grandees.
            It doesn’t take much to make Gabi late for school, especially if we do not get an early or at least on time start. Friday the start time was not early. We also got behind a person wanting to turn left on Panther Way. The traffic, although not bumper to bumper, each school day morning is usually within 50 to 100 feet of each other, and coming from both directions. We sat there quietly waiting for the vehicle in front of us to have a chance to move. Finally, after what seemed to be an hour, they were able to make their turn. Then I had to wait, to make my right turn.  
            When we arrived at school I pointed at the clock on the dash, in an effort to nonverbally provide info that she should hurry as she might be late. (Later I learned that she was on time)
            Old grandpas talking too much, especially early in the morning, gets on the nerves of the grandees. You would think that a senior grandpa would learn that what he has to say, does not mesh with what the younger people want to hear or talk about. Two different worlds!
            I should take my own advice. I have shared with others, if you want to be thought of as a good conversationalist (darn that is a long word) “Talk less and listen more”. Everyone, that means you and me, wants to have their stories or information heard by others. If you engage with someone in a conversation, and you listen to what they are saying, only occasionally asking a short question, you will be thought of as, “Properly participating in the conversation”, even when you have said almost nothing.
            On the other side of the coin, if you continually insert your thoughts or events that have happened to you into the conversation, and not allowing the other person to talk freely, without your interruptions, you will be thought of as being, “Rude and not caring about the other persons feeling”. Depending on the other person’s personality, they will either think of you as being the, “north end of a south bound horse”, or they will understand, “That you don’t understand how to make a friend feel important, during a conversation”.  
            Preacher Ford will stop preaching now, or not. I just thought of why I like to write so much. I am not being interrupted, I write what I want, and you don’t interrupt me! I do like the occasional comment or correction I receive from you, the reading critics, but they are not interruptions.           NICE! 

            Tres pointed out the rising sun this morning as he was retrieving the so-called newspaper.
For some reason Tres and I like the sun rise and sun sets. I have a photo for your pleasure.

            My spouse purchases a very large cookie as an alternative for a cake for our son’s birthdays. They had the age wrong on this cookie when my present spouse went to pick it up. They had 38 and it is 48. She has been purchasing these cookies for birthdays for many years. It is easier than baking a cake, but it is not less expensive.
            We all had a nice birthday lunch and some interesting conversation. When the lunch was over and we were more or less into conversation mode, I was able to get a photo that kind of says it all. We had a good time! See photo below.
             After all was said and done and my favorite wife and I was again alone at the Homestead, I took a nap. What better way to finish off a day.

May all your birthdays be happy!

Senior nap person; Don Ford


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