
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Almost back to... 01.02.19

            We are almost back to normal here at the Ford Homestead. Ok, that may not be true for another month or so, but at some point in the future we hope to be back to normal.
            This morning it is raining so I found the Fords ole umbrella and headed out to the drive way to take the trash out to the curb. As I stepped out into the rain I realized that today is Wednesday, not Monday. The trash goes out Monday. My days have all ran together. I need to get back on a normal schedule. Tres needs to get back on schedule too, he may not be able to poop for several days as he don’t like going out in the rain.
            We plan to unplug all the outside Christmas decorations today, it is too cold and wet to remove said decorations. I need to water the plants in the warm house, but I will need boots to get there, as the back yard has standing water. Standing water in the yard and I need to water the plants, odd?
            The decorations inside the house are Donna’s to place and remove, that will take at least a month. Basically, they are not in the way, so no need to hurry removing them.
            We will have the grandkids here today as school is still out and the parents are returning to work. Grandees in the Homestead will give us some things to do. They have connected to the Wi-Fi and that should be the last we hear from them until they get hungry.
            I walked outside waiting for the arrival of the grand kids, it was a very cold 34 degrees, a light breeze and it is still raining. I checked the rain gage and we have received about ¾ inch of rain over night. As I stood there with the garage door open, the rain falling at a steady rate, I was thankful I could be inside the garage, out of the rain, but it was still a cold damp feeling.
            Off in the distance I could hear a bird, which oddly enough sounded a lot like a cat. The sound caused me to think of a young cat crying as loud as it could for help. I could tell this bird was not happy being out in the cold windy rain. It caused me to wish I could help in some way, but I could not.
            I then thought of a time when I was a kid, possibly 65 years ago. I remember someone talking about a cat bird. Now they weren’t saying there was a bird that was part cat, they were in fact saying, there was a bird that sometimes sounded something like a cat. No, this bird that I am hearing is not 65 years old, and it did not follow us here from Missouri!
            Think for a moment of all the birds and other wild animals that must endure the cold weather all winter. The statement, “Only the strong will survive”, definitely applies.
            I, being able to do nothing for the bird, returned to the warm security of the Homestead, thankful of all the blessings that we, humans, take for granted. 

You got it good, stop complaining!

Bird whisperer; Don Ford


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