
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Something happening 01.05.19

            I am sitting here in front of the Ford’s ole computer, and I do mean old, with the TV on. There is an old cowboy movie on and it is starring John Wayne. John Wayne was a very young person, this may have been one of his first movies as a cowboy. The title is, “Somewhere in Sonora”. What I noticed about this old time movie, John Wayne was riding a white horse and the horse was named, “Duke”. I wonder if John Wayne got the name, “The Duke”, from a white horse he rode in an early movie.

            Something else I noticed, in one scene, John Wayne shot the flame off three candles but in a later scene, when the bad guys were trying to kill him, he would shoot at them but always hit a rock close to the bad guy. Why could he hit a candle flame but not a full grown person?

            Today is Saturday and the weather is getting back to normal or possibly a little better than normal, you know, temps in the high 60s! J We have had the grandkids the last part of the week, they were, for the most part, well behaved. There was a couple times where they had loud debates. I find it interesting that my almost 9 year old grandson is a good negotiator. He out negotiated his older sister a couple times. After one negotiation, he was able to get his sister outside to play kick ball, even though she did not want to go outside. 

            I found it interesting that my grandson, was using his power to get what he wanted, from someone who didn’t want, what he wanted. Maybe this almost 9 year old needs to read my previous posting where I write about Power and its use.

            I allowed the Tres to go out in the back yard this morning, but I did not let him back in, through the door he went out of. His feet were covered with mud. One problem is getting better and another begins. We had the water in the back yard for a while. Now the water is going away and we have super wet ground aka muddy yard.

            I let the Tres out of the back yard through the gate near the garage door. When he has muddy feet he goes to the towel I keep in the garage, as he knows he gets his feet wiped off to remove the wet and mud. Then he has to wait in the garage a while for the rest of him to dry off.  

            It is now late afternoon, I have had an adult beverage, or two, and as you should be able to tell, I am once again in front of the Ford’s ole computer.(I have photos on this puter [puter is short for computer] that are 10 years old so the puter must be that old too.)

               My first wife and I went out for lunch and then to the area’s newest form / ranch store, where we purchased a pair of blue jeans for $12.99. I have them on and that is a good value. Finally something that has the right amount of markup.

               This afternoon I cleaned out the back seat of the Ford’s ole Chevy pickup. Tres rides back there and he leaves an amount of hair on each ride. Shed not, less ye get the seats dirty.

               It was so nice this afternoon that I sat outside listening to the radio. Very relaxing.

            My son and his wife had their DNA checked through one of those genealogy companies. Shortly after my sons info returned he received an email from a female stating that she believed she was a second cousin she lives in ST louis, MO. Our son called his mom and asked about various family members that this female was talking about. Come to find out she is a second cousin, my wife knew the people she was asking about. This female stated that she and a couple other family members still own a farm of their grandpa. That farm is on the Mississippi river near Scott City, where we use to live. Donna use to ride her bike out there when she was a kid.

            My spouse and I would like to get our DNA checked but we need to save up the money. Well I guess that is it for now, if you want to donate send them to our website.


Adult beverage helps you understand the world around you.

Consumer and enjoyer of beverages; Don Ford


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