
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

What do you see 02.06.19

            After working in the back yard yesterday, I decided to take a photo with the Ford’s ole cell phone camera. The photo is of the back yard. You might want to consider all the work I had to do to get all the grass and weeds trimmed and then mowed. I considered taking a photo of the neighbor’s back yard, as it has some thistles in it. These thistles are tall, and when I say tall some are four feet high. The two dogs in their back yard just move around the plants. The neighbor doesn’t seem to have time to mow, he said he is catching a lot of crappie. 
            Photo to follow, click to review some of the assistant grounds keepers work!
            Did you notice those yellow flowers, we call them Easter Lilies, I know they have another name but we don’t use it. You can’t see the ditch but I did cut down the thistles, I did not mow the other weeds as there is standing water in the bottom of the ditch so I can’t get to the other side with a mower. I did not want to do half a job.
            I have a second photo, these Easter lilies have a white outside and a yellow center.

            The weather was nice enough yesterday that I was able to sit outside late afternoon and enjoy a cold drink and wave at the few vehicles that passed by. My favorite wife sat with me for a while.
            I finished my income tax yesterday, now let’s see if they like what I did. Since I am supposed to get a couple dollars back this year, I am trying an e-file for the first time, WOW!
            I need a cup of coffee, gota go!

Enjoy the day, be nice to someone, it will make you feel good!

Resting all day long today; Don Ford


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