If you had read the previous well written article, you would be aware of the disaster that had befell, or is it befallen, which ever, the disaster at the Ford’s Homestead. The Ford’s ole coffee maker did, “Give up the ghost”. It was a sad time as I carried it out to the back 40 and gave it a proper burial. Wait a minute, there wasn’t a burial, I took the dead coffee maker to the trash cart and deposited it there.
My spouse of almost 5 decades purchased a replacement coffee maker, using a couple coupons and discounts. Alex was here when we took it from its box, and he showed me how it worked. There was some coffee and one hot chocolate pod that came with the maker. Alex showed me how to make the hot chocolate, for him!
The new unit is the same brand as the ole one, but it had some differences in the operation. One thing that I see as good, it will shut itself off after nonuse of 2 hours, or you can push a button and shut it off, if you are not going to use it.
I would like to say thanks to everyone who sent donations for the new coffee maker, but…
On a different subject; my present spouse and I went to the races today. These races were held at a local church. The cub scouts were racing cars that they made. The cars had a weight limit of 5 ounces. The scout leaders also entered their cars. Alex came in second in his class, and his dad David came in second in his class. The cub scouts got to race their cars against their dad’s cars, and Alex beat David. It was a good time for all.
The weather here today, Saturday, was warmer than expected. The weather people were saying it would be around 62 degrees and it hit a high of 73. It was windy but we can put up with the wind if it is that warm.
Sunday, we went to the barrel restaurant as usual today for brunch, it was good. On the way home we stopped and bought some dog food and I got another pair of $12.00 jeans. Then we proceeded to the dollar tree where I purchased a couple bags of hard candies. I keep them in the Fords ole Chevy, so I have a sweet time when I drive.
Arriving back at the Ford homestead, my present spouse suggested we wash the Fords ole pot hound. Since it isn’t very warm outside we did the wash job inside. Tres was unwilling at first, but seemed to enjoy the shower as we proceeded. The problem with giving him a shower he does not shake until he steps out of the shower. We put two towels on the floor, he drips a lot, and my first wife has a towel that she puts over him when he shakes. She dries him as I rinse off in the shower, and then Tres goes nuts running through the house. Finally we get him outside and he runs wild for a while.
Well it is time for happy hour, got to go.
Monday morning; it is supposed to be a nice day today, and I hope to get to work outside for a while. There are many flower beds that need the attention of our grounds keeper, or me.
As I was watching something on the TV, I can’t remember what it was but, someone on the TV said, “I can’t wait”. That got me to thinking. Yes I know, here we go again, the Ford is thinking of some silly subject. My brain went in the following direction.
Have you ever been in a car starting on a trip, and someone says, “I can’t wait until we get there”? Possibly there is a new movie coming in a week and someone says, “I can’t wait until next week”! Tomorrow is Christmas and someone says, “I can’t wait”!
Let’s consider the last comment, “Tomorrow is Christmas, I can’t wait! There is nothing that person can do, other than wait, so why do we say, “I can’t wait”!
Ok, now I understand! You just said, “I can’t wait until this silly Ford stops writing”!
You just hurt my feelings, so I say, “The end”!
I can’t wait until spring gets here!
Senior grounds keeper fill-in; Don Ford
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