
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Odd subjects 02.16.19

            Thursday: I went to the store and bought 10 bags of dirt. I took them from the pallet, placed them on the cart, pushed the cart to the truck and removed them from the cart placing them in the bed of the truck. At some point I strained my left arm, yes it hurt!
            I returned home and was able to unload one bag onto the Ford’s ole red wagon.
            What?                         You want to know what?       Yes I paid for the 10 bags of dirt, after placing them on the cart, and prior to loading them into the truck. Do I need to provide every detail of my actions?  *%#@
            Even though my arm was hurting, I did remove 5 stepping stones, and filled in the depressions with dirt from the bag, which I purchased for $1.65! I then reinstalled two of the stepping stones. Now the stepping stones allow one to walk from the drive way to the flag pole.
            I am still working on a way to smooth out the ruts in the yard that came from the sprinkler installation. When I mow it is easy to find these ruts, especially when I step into one of them. If you just stand there looking for them it is more difficult to see them, as the grass in the ruts is level with the other grass. I will keep trying.

            Friday: I walked outside this morning and it was a warm 52 degrees with no wind. I surveyed the neighborhood and then looked up, where I saw, “A rip in space”. In the photo below you will see this rip in space, and it was only there for about 4 minutes, then it was gone. For more information about these rips in space see the posting of Feb. 7th, 2019.
            It is only supposed to reach 83 degrees today, I will try to sit outside if it isn’t too cool, I know some fresh air would be good for my ole senior body.
            Well we had a record high for the day, it hit 86 degrees! Can you believe that my first wife purchased a new black berry plant for me, and I had to work in the tremendous heat installing it?
            Arriving at the job site, it was determined that I would need to move the posts that had been previously installed, for another black berry plant. That plant had been transplanted last fall from our main berry patch. Why would I need to move the posts? I would need more room behind the plants at harvest time (more room less stickers in my body). Yes, that meant extra work in the hot sun.
            One would think moving the two post would not be such a big deal, and in fact it wasn’t. The problem comes from the plant that was already planted. Would I move it in order to have it in line with the new plant?  After hours of deliberation, it was decide to not move the plant.
            I had to dig a hole the size of a one gallon flower pot. My helper, Tres, was inspecting everything I did. That dog should have been a detective, he is always inspecting something.
            To make a short story longer, the black berry was successfully planted.

            Saturday: the weather has changed, it is supposed to only be in the high 50s today. My present spouse and I are invited to a birthday party this afternoon. The party will be at one of the local restaurants. What could be better than food and friends! The above photo is not good, it was taken on a cold and cloudy Saturday.       Click to not enjoy.

May all your work be appreciated!

Underappreciated senior person; Don Ford

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