
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Lawn work 02.05.19

            Yes, it is work, when the grounds keeper has quit, and we are on a fixed income. Try hiring a person to be your grounds manager when you’re on a “Fixed income”.
            Yesterday I was able to get the Ford’s ole string trimmer and leaf blower out of the shed, they both surprisingly started and ran. I was able to attack the front yard and even a little of the back yard. I have Tres photos (3) to show the extreme amount of work I produced yesterday. First we see a weed infested area, second we see the weeds removed, third we see what had to be picked up.  Click on a photo to understand the work that went into this Ford Homestead Project.
        I think I started something yesterday with the lawn work, there were two other homeowners that started mowing their yards after I was seen working.
            After all that work I went to pick up the Alex from School. When we arrived home MY favorite wife suggested that we give Tres (3) a bath. Tres smells better now.
            I was so tired from all the work yesterday, I had to sit on the Fords ole rocker on the driveway, and consume an adult beverage, all while the temperature was a chilly 76 degrees.

Work if you don’t mind being tired!
                                    I should get paid for my work!

Grounds manager stand-in; Don Ford


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