
Monday, February 11, 2019

Valentine day, bah hum bug 02.11.19

            The title is there to catch your attention, I really like valentine day, would you believe it is my most favorite day that was created by retailers in an effort to remove any money you or I have. I do enjoy taking the favorite wife out for an evening meal!
            Over the last couple days we have had on and off rain, along with sleet and snow flakes. The snowflakes were very small but they could be seem. I checked the rain gage yesterday and we have received just a little over ½ inch in the last two days.
            There are award presentations that are presented on the TV, which I do not watch! They show outtakes from the awards on the news, so I unwillingly see some of the crap. When I see how some of them dress, I wonder are some of them, professional ladies of the evening. I consider this kind of like the professional sports, where people are over paid for their work, and people pay to watch them work. They have awards for themselves, wow!

            In the above photo we see an uncomfortable situation. I am sitting at my desk trying to enter this information, while the Tres is under the desk sleeping. It is very uncomfortable for me to not be able to get close to the desk when trying to enter this interesting information. I am wondering if you noticed how the Tres’ back legs are positioned. Also there were smells that occasionally came from under the desk!
            It seems to me, when I was a kid we would cross our fingers if we were going to fib a little bit. I am not sure why we did it but it seemed to get us a pass for fibbing. Maybe Tres by crossing his legs, is trying to make me believe the smells were not coming from him.
Cross not, and you may be believed!
Uncrossed truth teller; Don Ford


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