
Friday, June 8, 2018

Yes I had to water 06.08.18

               Did the title line seem as if I am complaining? You know me, I like to keep you informed of my thoughts. My comments on various subjects may seem as criticism, when these comments are just truthful points of view, not being critical, instead, just being informative of my opinions. 
               You are only critical when others see you as being critical. What do others know, they can go straight to well, let’s change the subject. Getting back to the title subject, I did have to water everything yesterday because the sprinkler people did not meet their obligation. In talking with a neighbor who was also to have had a system installed in his yard, he has also called the owner and expressed his dissatisfaction. He and I discussed the owner of the business over adult beverages yesterday afternoon. Some of the discussion could not be printed, just know it was constructive, honest and to the point.
               I took a photo of the neighbor’s tree which I found interesting. There are leaves all over this tree, yet the sun light penetrates and was lighting up the upper trunk portion of the tree. No I did not see any beings watching us humans in this photo.

Please click on the photo to enjoy the totality of nature in its fullness. I can’t help it if you see things that are not there, stop smoking that stuff and you will be better off.
               Today is Friday, I hope you have a safe and fun weekend.

I gota go get some coffee, have a good day!

Don Ford


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