
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Let's see 06.06.18

               Yes, that is a non-interesting title. Let me suggest, you could go do something other than read this short and informative article, but if you do, you will never know…
               Here on earth, we see various mammals, bugs and fish. Many earthlings believe, if the space aliens come to earth they will be similar to earth beings, with legs, arms, and physical bodies. What would you think if I told you, there is a being without form? You would think I was writing of a ghost or some type spirit. You could be right, I will leave it up to you to determine what I am writing about.
               As your, “psychic or seer”, I will take you by the hand and lead you through, a commentary that may be difficult for you to believe. I thought about referring to my abilities as being a prognosticator, but that seemed a little too much like the weather person and it would be looking into the future. Since I am not looking into the future I can’t use the term prophet!                Prophet seems to have a biblical connotation, and I want to stay on the same level as you, the common earthling.
               What I am trying to explain, in simple terms is, “It is here, it is different and it does not have a physical body.”     It does not communicate verbally, its communication, is through a thought process.
               No, I don’t know how it does it, will you allow me to make this presentation before you begin with the questions!
               This being is able to know what you and I are thinking, and is able to pass information on to us as a thought. In truth, when the being does communicate with us, we most often think it was our idea. 
               I understand that this non-earth being is totally invisible. Being invisible, this being has no exact size. This invisible being can move through space with no time or distance restrictions. It has been called The Universal Consciousness (aka spirit). It is said that all information is within this invisible spirit.
               If it is “Invisible”, then how do I know about it? This Universal Consciousness (spirit) may occasionally want to be seen and will occasionally manifest in some visual manner, so an earthling can see it. There are a number of ways this Universal Consciousness can produce an image, and I have one captured as a photo.
               At this time you should have asked, why would this Universal Consciousness want to be seen? Being seen indicates that there is a message, and by being seen when that message is presented into your thoughts, it becomes more real, to earthlings.
               The Universal Consciousness presented the other day and I was allowed to witness it. Was the message for me, obviously it was for me, but at the same time there could have been many messages, for many people, with one appearance. The message I received was to make this presentation, what was the message for others, I have no idea.
               What better method of presenting than through the use of a cloud, a mile up in the sky. The presentation can easily be seen by many but only understood by certain people. Please look at the photo below of the presentation.

               The presentation will be seen differently by different people. Some will see a partial image of a face, some may think it is an animal, one might see horns on the head of the presentation. If there was a message there for you, you would have seen something totally different from what I envisioned!

Look around, be open, you may receive!

Don Ford

Fiction, maybe, if you would have read my story about the beginning of time you would understand how this fits in!  


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