
Monday, June 25, 2018

Various points of view 06.25.18

            It was a Saturday, my present wife and I decided to go out to Clifton Texas for lunch at the Bunk House. The lady that takes the order was her usual self, asking my present wife, “Did you have to bring him along?” This lady and I enjoy aggravating each other during my visits.
            I can’t go anywhere with my present wife that she doesn’t run into someone she knows. The lady at the table next to us was a friend of Donna’s. We are more than 30 miles from home and she is still running into friends.
            Lunch was good, smoked turkey for me and brisket for my wife. After the meal I asked if she wanted to go to any of the junk shops, I mean antique shops. She didn’t, so I said I was going to take a different route home. The route I was going to take is one we would ride if we were on the bike. As I started through town my first wife said she wouldn’t mind going to that shop that she had went to during our last visit. I knew which one she meant, as I had sit out front for a while as she reviewed all the antiques inside.
            Driving to the shop on the corner, I stopped, she went in, and I sat on the bench out front. I had a cold drink, I was sitting in the shade and there was a good breeze. I was surprised at how comfortable I was in this 96 degree temp. I should note that everyone who walked past me said hello. The people there were all very nice. The drive home was pleasant, and I should note, Donna did not purchase anything, yep I know that is hard to believe!
Different subject:
            I was sitting outside on the Ford’s ole rocker having a beverage and I noticed that the neighborhood was very quiet. I assume everyone was either gone, or inside out of the heat, it was 98 degrees. I decided to get the hose out and water an area of the yard. This spot gets a lot more sun than the rest of the yard, and the grass was looking kind of sickly.
            As I stood there watering the grass, I noticed a sound as if someone was coming down the street. There was no one! There is a gusty breeze and occasionally a dried leaf would be blown down the street. Interesting how much noise that comes from one leaf, bouncing down the street. At one time there was two leaves being blown down the street, and it really sounded as if a person was walking. OK, you did not find leaf noise interesting, how about the following?
            As I am watering a neighbor lady walked over to talk with me. This female neighbor walks at least 10,000 steps every day. With a smile on her face she asked, “What are you doing? You had a sprinkler system put in, so why are you watering!
            This is the second person who has asked, why I was using the hose to water an area of the yard now that we have a sprinkler system.
            I explained to the neighbor lady that this area gets more sun and is especially dry, so I am trying to get it back to normal. She had other questions such as, when the sprinklers worked, as she had not seen them spraying. I explained the timing of the system.
New subject:
I have a photo that I want you to review.

            Taken with the Ford’s ole semi-smart phone, from the Ford’s ole rocker. I found it interesting, not so much that the moon was out during daylight hours, but the location of the moon. Yes there was a cloud or two in the sky also. Click to engage!

May your day be filled with friends!

Lecturer:    Don Ford


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