
Monday, May 7, 2018

It's lonely at the top 05.07.18

               Before we get into today’s lovely story, I should explain that we here at the Ford Homestead have not had air conditioning all weekend. The old unit which is only 20 years old, reportedly made a couple popping sounds and according to the neighbor a big spark, I did hear one of the pops, then I called the air conditioning people. The fellow who worked on it last time came to the Homestead and looked the unit over. The compressor was leaking oil which shorted out the wiring he had repaired the last time he was here. Anyway, to make a short story long, we need a new unit. They can replace the outside unit only with a 5 year warrantee or both inside and out with a 10 year warrantee. Work to be done today.
               We will accept donations for this process, please make them large!

               Lonely at the top refers to the lonely red rose atop this little bush. Other flowers have blooms and leaves around them but this poor rose is all alone. Even the tomatoes have more than one new green tomato on the plant.
               What?                  You want to know what?               Yes, that is a real owl sitting on the plastic pipe at the end of the flower bed!  I can’t believe you would ask something that silly!                Why do I try?
               It’s not only lonely at the top, it must be lonely at the bottom. The person that asked that question, must be, “Lonely, because he/she is at the bottom!”

On a fixed income with this type debt!

Don Ford

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