
Sunday, May 13, 2018

Now it begins 05.13.18

               Each year about this time it begins again. It is such a nice event that everyone seems happy. Even our new neighbors have commented that they would be willing to help. When I say new neighbors, I mean they are the newest to the neighborhood, as they have lived here about a year now. One year in attendance is new, when you consider the other neighbors have lived here for decades. For that one reader who has forgotten what they learned in grade school, or who never went to grade school, a decade is equal to 10 calendar years. My first wife and I have lived here for three and nine tenths decades, that’s 39 years in June. 
               I do have a couple photos, they are not the best quality as they were taken with the fords so-called smart phone. I would like to refer you to a previous posting dated 05.11.18 which may help you understand the change that has taken place. It seems amazing to me that this transformation can occur in such a short time.
               Today is Mother’s Day and yes I did get flowers for my present wife. Yes I did get her a nice card also. Although our youngest son and his family are in Fort Worth, TX visiting his wife’s family, we will go out to lunch with our oldest son and his wife. Hopefully we can get to the restaurant a little before the church crowd and get a good seat.
               Now let me get back to my original thought. As I was navigating the back 40 yesterday, I happened to walk by our main black berry patch. I was actually looking for dog poo, which is a job no one likes but everyone is happy that I do, as a large German Shepherd is capable of providing a foul order, which we and our neighbors do not like. I happened to look up from the ground and noticed there was three red berries on one of the vines.
               Yes I was happy to see this, and now we will need to observe the patch daily, as these berries ripen the birds have a tendency to want to help pick them. Evidently the birds know that the black berries have stickers, as they only pick at the easy to reach berries.
               Our new neighbor has offered to pick the berries. I feel reasonably sure that will not happen.
               Photos to follow, click to enhance your visual experience.


May your day be filled with new beginnings!

Don Ford

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